NCBI C++ ToolKit: src/algo/blast/core/blast

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NCBI C++ ToolKit: src/algo/blast/core/blast

#NCBI C++ ToolKit: src/algo/blast/core/blast| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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1 /* $Id: blast_options.c 98921 2023-01-24 15:56:52Z boratyng $ 2  * =========================================================================== 3  * 4  * PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE 5  * National Center for Biotechnology Information 6  * 7  * This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the 8  * terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of 9  * the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and 10  * thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available 11  * to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S. 12  * Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction. 13  * 14  * Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy 15  * and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S. 16  * Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that 17  * may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S. 18  * Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including 19  * warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular 20  * purpose. 21  * 22  * Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material. 23  * 24  * =========================================================================== 25  */ 26  27 /** @file blast_options.c 28  * The structures and functions in blast_options.[ch] should be used to specify 29  * user preferences. The options structures should not be changed by the BLAST code 30  * but rather be read to determine user preferences. When possible these structures 31  * should be passed in as "const". 32  * 33  */ 34  35 #include 36 #include 37 #include 38 #include 39 #include 40 #include 41 #include 42  43 const double kPSSM_NoImpalaScaling = 1.0; 44  45 /** Declared in blast_def.h as extern const. */ 46 const int kDustLevel = 20; 47 const int kDustWindow = 64; 48 const int kDustLinker = 1; 49  50 SDustOptions* SDustOptionsFree(SDustOptions* dust_options) 51 { 52  if (dust_options) 53  sfree(dust_options); 54  return NULL; 55 } 56  57 Int2 SDustOptionsNew(SDustOptions* *dust_options) 58 { 59  if (dust_options == NULL) 60  return 1; 61  62  *dust_options = (SDustOptions*) malloc(sizeof(SDustOptions)); 63  (*dust_options)->level = kDustLevel; 64  (*dust_options)->window = kDustWindow; 65  (*dust_options)->linker = kDustLinker; 66  67  return 0; 68 } 69  70 SSegOptions* SSegOptionsFree(SSegOptions* seg_options) 71 { 72  if (seg_options) 73  sfree(seg_options); 74  return NULL; 75 } 76  77 Int2 SSegOptionsNew(SSegOptions* *seg_options) 78 { 79  if (seg_options == NULL) 80  return 1; 81  82  *seg_options = (SSegOptions*) malloc(sizeof(SSegOptions)); 83  (*seg_options)->window = kSegWindow; 84  (*seg_options)->locut = kSegLocut; 85  (*seg_options)->hicut = kSegHicut; 86  87  return 0; 88 } 89  90 Int2 SWindowMaskerOptionsNew(SWindowMaskerOptions ** winmask_options) 91 { 92  if (winmask_options) { 93  *winmask_options = (SWindowMaskerOptions*) calloc(1, sizeof(SWindowMaskerOptions)); 94  if (*winmask_options == NULL) 95  return BLASTERR_MEMORY; 96  97  (*winmask_options)->taxid = 0; 98  (*winmask_options)->database = NULL; 99  return 0; 100  } 101  return 1; 102 } 103  104 SWindowMaskerOptions* SWindowMaskerOptionsFree(SWindowMaskerOptions* winmask_options) 105 { 106  if (winmask_options) 107  { 108  if (winmask_options->database) 109  { 110  sfree(winmask_options->database); 111  } 112  sfree(winmask_options); 113  } 114  return NULL; 115 } 116  117 SRepeatFilterOptions* SRepeatFilterOptionsFree(SRepeatFilterOptions* repeat_options) 118 { 119  if (repeat_options) 120  { 121  sfree(repeat_options->database); 122  sfree(repeat_options); 123  } 124  return NULL; 125 } 126  127 Int2 SRepeatFilterOptionsNew(SRepeatFilterOptions* *repeat_options) 128 { 129  130  if (repeat_options == NULL) 131  return 1; 132  133  *repeat_options = (SRepeatFilterOptions*) calloc(1, sizeof(SRepeatFilterOptions)); 134  if (*repeat_options == NULL) 135  return BLASTERR_MEMORY; 136  137  (*repeat_options)->database = strdup(kDefaultRepeatFilterDb); 138  139  return 0; 140 } 141  142 Int2 SRepeatFilterOptionsResetDB(SRepeatFilterOptions* *repeat_options, const char* db) 143 { 144  Int2 status=0; 145  146  if (*repeat_options == NULL) 147  status = SRepeatFilterOptionsNew(repeat_options); 148  149  if (status) 150  return status; 151  152  sfree((*repeat_options)->database); 153  (*repeat_options)->database = strdup(db); 154  155  return status; 156 } 157  158 Int2 SWindowMaskerOptionsResetDB(SWindowMaskerOptions ** winmask_options, const char* db) 159 { 160  Int2 status=0; 161  162  if (*winmask_options == NULL) 163  status = SWindowMaskerOptionsNew(winmask_options); 164  165  if (status) 166  return status; 167  168  sfree((*winmask_options)->database); 169  170  if (db) { 171  (*winmask_options)->database = strdup(db); 172  } 173  174  return status; 175 } 176  177 SReadQualityOptions* SReadQualityOptionsFree( 178  SReadQualityOptions* read_quality_options) 179 { 180  if (read_quality_options) { 181  free(read_quality_options); 182  } 183  184  return NULL; 185 } 186  187 Int2 SReadQualityOptionsNew(SReadQualityOptions** read_quality_options) 188 { 189  if (!read_quality_options) { 190  return 1; 191  } 192  193  *read_quality_options = calloc(1, sizeof(SReadQualityOptions)); 194  if (!*read_quality_options) { 195  return 1; 196  } 197  198  (*read_quality_options)->frac_ambig = 0.5; 199  (*read_quality_options)->entropy = 16; 200  201  return 0; 202 } 203  204 SBlastFilterOptions* SBlastFilterOptionsFree(SBlastFilterOptions* filter_options) 205 { 206  if (filter_options) 207  { 208  filter_options->dustOptions = 209  SDustOptionsFree(filter_options->dustOptions); 210  filter_options->segOptions = 211  SSegOptionsFree(filter_options->segOptions); 212  filter_options->repeatFilterOptions = 213  SRepeatFilterOptionsFree(filter_options->repeatFilterOptions); 214  filter_options->windowMaskerOptions = 215  SWindowMaskerOptionsFree(filter_options->windowMaskerOptions); 216  filter_options->readQualityOptions = 217  SReadQualityOptionsFree(filter_options->readQualityOptions); 218  sfree(filter_options); 219  } 220  221  return NULL; 222 } 223  224 Int2 SBlastFilterOptionsNew(SBlastFilterOptions* *filter_options, EFilterOptions type) 225 { 226  Int2 status = 0; 227  228  if (filter_options) 229  { 230  *filter_options = (SBlastFilterOptions*) calloc(1, sizeof(SBlastFilterOptions)); 231  (*filter_options)->mask_at_hash = FALSE; 232  if (type == eSeg) 233  SSegOptionsNew(&((*filter_options)->segOptions)); 234  if (type == eDust || type == eDustRepeats) 235  SDustOptionsNew(&((*filter_options)->dustOptions)); 236  if (type == eRepeats || type == eDustRepeats) 237  SRepeatFilterOptionsNew(&((*filter_options)->repeatFilterOptions)); 238  } 239  else 240  status = 1; 241  242  return status; 243 } 244  245  246 /** Merges together two sets of dust options, choosing the most non-default one. 247  * 248  * @param opt1 first set to be merged [in] 249  * @param opt2 second set to be merged [in] 250  * @return the merged options. 251  */ 252 static SDustOptions* s_MergeDustOptions(const SDustOptions* opt1, const SDustOptions* opt2) 253 { 254  SDustOptions* retval = NULL; 255  256  if (!opt1 && !opt2) 257  return NULL; 258  259  SDustOptionsNew(&retval); 260  261  if (opt1 && !opt2) 262  { 263  retval->level = opt1->level; 264  retval->window = opt1->window; 265  retval->linker = opt1->linker; 266  } 267  else if (!opt1 && opt2) 268  { 269  retval->level = opt2->level; 270  retval->window = opt2->window; 271  retval->linker = opt2->linker; 272  } 273  else 274  { 275  retval->level = (opt1->level != kDustLevel) ? opt1->level : opt2->level; 276  retval->window = (opt1->window != kDustWindow) ? opt1->window : opt2->window; 277  retval->linker = (opt1->linker != kDustLinker) ? opt1->linker : opt2->linker; 278  } 279  280  return retval; 281 } 282  283  284 /** Merges together two sets of SEG options, choosing the most non-default one. 285  * 286  * @param opt1 first set to be merged [in] 287  * @param opt2 second set to be merged [in] 288  * @return the merged options. 289  */ 290 static SSegOptions* s_MergeSegOptions(const SSegOptions* opt1, const SSegOptions* opt2) 291 { 292  SSegOptions* retval = NULL; 293  294  if (!opt1 && !opt2) 295  return NULL; 296  297  SSegOptionsNew(&retval); 298  299  if (opt1 && !opt2) 300  { 301  retval->window = opt1->window; 302  retval->locut = opt1->locut; 303  retval->hicut = opt1->hicut; 304  } 305  else if (!opt1 && opt2) 306  { 307  retval->window = opt2->window; 308  retval->locut = opt2->locut; 309  retval->hicut = opt2->hicut; 310  } 311  else 312  { 313  retval->window = (opt1->window != kSegWindow) ? opt1->window : opt2->window; 314  retval->locut = (opt1->locut != kSegLocut) ? opt1->locut : opt2->locut; 315  retval->hicut = (opt1->hicut != kSegHicut) ? opt1->hicut : opt2->hicut; 316  } 317  return retval; 318 } 319  320 /** Merges together two sets of repeat filter options, choosing the most non-default one. 321  * 322  * @param opt1 first set to be merged [in] 323  * @param opt2 second set to be merged [in] 324  * @return the merged options. 325  */ 326 static SRepeatFilterOptions* s_MergeRepeatOptions(const SRepeatFilterOptions* opt1, const SRepeatFilterOptions* opt2) 327 { 328  SRepeatFilterOptions* retval = NULL; 329  330  if (!opt1 && !opt2) 331  return NULL; 332  333  SRepeatFilterOptionsNew(&retval); 334  335  if (opt1 && !opt2) 336  { 337  SRepeatFilterOptionsResetDB(&retval, opt1->database); 338  } 339  else if (!opt1 && opt2) 340  { 341  SRepeatFilterOptionsResetDB(&retval, opt2->database); 342  } 343  else 344  { /* TODO : handle different db's. */ 345  SRepeatFilterOptionsResetDB(&retval, opt2->database); 346  } 347  return retval; 348 } 349  350 /** Merges together two sets of window masker options, choosing the most non-default one. 351  * 352  * @param opt1 first set to be merged [in] 353  * @param opt2 second set to be merged [in] 354  * @return the merged options. 355  */ 356 static SWindowMaskerOptions* 357 s_MergeWindowMaskerOptions(const SWindowMaskerOptions* opt1, 358  const SWindowMaskerOptions* opt2) 359 { 360  SWindowMaskerOptions* retval = NULL; 361  const SWindowMaskerOptions* src = NULL; 362  Boolean have1 = FALSE, have2 = FALSE; 363  364  have1 = opt1 && (opt1->database || opt1->taxid); 365  have2 = opt2 && (opt2->database || opt2->taxid); 366  367  if (! (have1 || have2)) 368  return NULL; 369  370  if (have1 && ! have2) { 371  src = opt1; 372  } else if (! have1 && have2) { 373  src = opt2; 374  } else { 375  // We have data structures with some kind of content, so 376  // prefer structure 2 as repeat filter options do. 377  src = opt2; 378  } 379  380  ASSERT(src); 381  ASSERT(src->database || src->taxid); 382  383  SWindowMaskerOptionsNew(&retval); 384  SWindowMaskerOptionsResetDB(& retval, src->database); 385  retval->taxid = src->taxid; 386  387  return retval; 388 } 389  390 Int2 SBlastFilterOptionsMerge(SBlastFilterOptions** combined, const SBlastFilterOptions* opt1, 391  const SBlastFilterOptions* opt2) 392 { 393  SBlastFilterOptions* retval = NULL; 394  Int2 status = 0; 395  396  *combined = NULL; 397  398  if (opt1 == NULL && opt2 == NULL) 399  return 0; 400  401  status = SBlastFilterOptionsNew(&retval, eEmpty); 402  if (status != 0) 403  return status; 404  405  *combined = retval; 406  407  if ((opt1 && opt1->mask_at_hash) || (opt2 && opt2->mask_at_hash)) 408  retval->mask_at_hash = TRUE; 409  410  retval->dustOptions = 411  s_MergeDustOptions(opt1 ? opt1->dustOptions : NULL, opt2 ? opt2->dustOptions : NULL); 412  retval->segOptions = 413  s_MergeSegOptions(opt1 ? opt1->segOptions : NULL, opt2 ? opt2->segOptions : NULL); 414  retval->repeatFilterOptions = 415  s_MergeRepeatOptions(opt1 ? opt1->repeatFilterOptions : NULL, opt2 ? opt2->repeatFilterOptions : NULL); 416  retval->windowMaskerOptions = 417  s_MergeWindowMaskerOptions(opt1 ? opt1->windowMaskerOptions : NULL, opt2 ? opt2->windowMaskerOptions : NULL); 418  419  return 0; 420 } 421  422 Boolean SBlastFilterOptionsNoFiltering(const SBlastFilterOptions* filter_options) 423 { 424  if (filter_options == NULL) 425  return TRUE; 426  427  return filter_options->dustOptions == NULL && 428  filter_options->segOptions == NULL && 429  filter_options->repeatFilterOptions == NULL && 430  filter_options->windowMaskerOptions == NULL; 431 } 432  433 Boolean SBlastFilterOptionsMaskAtHash(const SBlastFilterOptions* filter_options) 434 { 435  if (filter_options == NULL) 436  return FALSE; 437  438  return filter_options->mask_at_hash; 439 } 440  441 Int2 SBlastFilterOptionsValidate(EBlastProgramType program_number, const SBlastFilterOptions* filter_options, Blast_Message* *blast_message) 442 { 443  Int2 status = 0; 444  445  if (filter_options == NULL) 446  { 447  Blast_MessageWrite(blast_message, eBlastSevWarning, kBlastMessageNoContext, 448  "SBlastFilterOptionsValidate: NULL filter_options"); 449  return BLASTERR_INVALIDPARAM; 450  } 451  452  if (filter_options->repeatFilterOptions) 453  { 454  if (program_number != eBlastTypeBlastn && 455  program_number != eBlastTypeMapping) 456  { 457  if (blast_message) 458  Blast_MessageWrite(blast_message, eBlastSevError, kBlastMessageNoContext, 459  "SBlastFilterOptionsValidate: Repeat filtering only supported with blastn"); 460  return BLASTERR_OPTION_PROGRAM_INVALID; 461  } 462  if (filter_options->repeatFilterOptions->database == NULL || 463  strlen(filter_options->repeatFilterOptions->database) == 0) 464  { 465  if (blast_message) 466  Blast_MessageWrite(blast_message, eBlastSevError, kBlastMessageNoContext, 467  "SBlastFilterOptionsValidate: No repeat database specified for repeat filtering"); 468  return BLASTERR_INVALIDPARAM; 469  } 470  } 471  472  if (filter_options->dustOptions) 473  { 474  if (program_number != eBlastTypeBlastn && 475  program_number != eBlastTypeMapping) 476  { 477  if (blast_message) 478  Blast_MessageWrite(blast_message, eBlastSevError, kBlastMessageNoContext, 479  "SBlastFilterOptionsValidate: Dust filtering only supported with blastn"); 480  return BLASTERR_OPTION_PROGRAM_INVALID; 481  } 482  } 483  484  if (filter_options->segOptions) 485  { 486  if (program_number == eBlastTypeBlastn && 487  program_number != eBlastTypeMapping) 488  { 489  if (blast_message) 490  Blast_MessageWrite(blast_message, eBlastSevError, kBlastMessageNoContext, 491  "SBlastFilterOptionsValidate: SEG filtering is not supported with blastn"); 492  return BLASTERR_OPTION_PROGRAM_INVALID; 493  } 494  } 495  496  return status; 497 } 498  499  500 QuerySetUpOptions* 501 BlastQuerySetUpOptionsFree(QuerySetUpOptions* options) 502  503 { 504  if (options) 505  { 506  sfree(options->filter_string); 507  options->filtering_options = SBlastFilterOptionsFree(options->filtering_options); 508  sfree(options); 509  } 510  return NULL; 511 } 512  513 Int2 514 BlastQuerySetUpOptionsNew(QuerySetUpOptions* *options) 515 { 516  Int2 status = 0; 517  518  if (options == NULL) 519  return BLASTERR_INVALIDPARAM; 520  521  *options = (QuerySetUpOptions*) calloc(1, sizeof(QuerySetUpOptions)); 522  523  if (*options == NULL) 524  return BLASTERR_MEMORY; 525  526  (*options)->genetic_code = BLAST_GENETIC_CODE; 527  528  /** @todo the code below should be deprecated */ 529  status = SBlastFilterOptionsNew(&((*options)->filtering_options), eEmpty); 530  531  return status; 532 } 533  534 Int2 BLAST_FillQuerySetUpOptions(QuerySetUpOptions* options, 535  EBlastProgramType program, const char *filter_string, Uint1 strand_option) 536 { 537  Int2 status = 0; 538  539  if (options == NULL) 540  return BLASTERR_INVALIDPARAM; 541  542  if (strand_option && 543  (program == eBlastTypeBlastn || program == eBlastTypePhiBlastn || 544  program == eBlastTypeBlastx || program == eBlastTypeTblastx || 545  program == eBlastTypeMapping)) { 546  options->strand_option = strand_option; 547  } 548  549  if (filter_string) { 550  /* Free whatever filter string has been set before. */ 551  sfree(options->filter_string); 552  /* Free whatever filtering options have been set. */ 553  options->filtering_options = SBlastFilterOptionsFree(options->filtering_options); 554  /* Parse the filter_string for options, do not save the string. */ 555  status = BlastFilteringOptionsFromString(program, filter_string, 556  &options->filtering_options, NULL); 557  } 558  return status; 559 } 560  561 BlastInitialWordOptions* 562 BlastInitialWordOptionsFree(BlastInitialWordOptions* options) 563  564 { 565  566  sfree(options); 567  568  return NULL; 569 } 570  571  572 Int2 573 BlastInitialWordOptionsNew(EBlastProgramType program, 574  BlastInitialWordOptions* *options) 575 { 576  *options = 577  (BlastInitialWordOptions*) calloc(1, sizeof(BlastInitialWordOptions)); 578  if (*options == NULL) 579  return BLASTERR_MEMORY; 580  581  if (/*program != eBlastTypeBlastn && 582  program != eBlastTypePhiBlastn */ 583  !Blast_ProgramIsNucleotide(program)) { /* protein-protein options. */ 584  (*options)->window_size = BLAST_WINDOW_SIZE_PROT; 585  (*options)->x_dropoff = BLAST_UNGAPPED_X_DROPOFF_PROT; 586  (*options)->gap_trigger = BLAST_GAP_TRIGGER_PROT; 587  } else { 588  (*options)->window_size = BLAST_WINDOW_SIZE_NUCL; 589  (*options)->scan_range = BLAST_SCAN_RANGE_NUCL; 590  (*options)->gap_trigger = BLAST_GAP_TRIGGER_NUCL; 591  (*options)->x_dropoff = BLAST_UNGAPPED_X_DROPOFF_NUCL; 592  } 593  594  (*options)->program_number = program; 595  596  return 0; 597 } 598  599  600 Int2 601 BlastInitialWordOptionsValidate(EBlastProgramType program_number, 602  const BlastInitialWordOptions* options, 603  Blast_Message* *blast_msg) 604 { 605  606  ASSERT(options); 607  608  /* PHI-BLAST has no ungapped extension phase. Megablast may not have it, 609  but generally does now. */ 610  if (program_number != eBlastTypeBlastn && 611  program_number != eBlastTypeMapping && 612  (!Blast_ProgramIsPhiBlast(program_number)) && 613  options->x_dropoff scan_range && !options->window_size) 622  { 623  Blast_MessageWrite(blast_msg, eBlastSevError, kBlastMessageNoContext, 624  "off_diagonal_range is only useful in 2-hit algorithm"); 625  return BLASTERR_OPTION_VALUE_INVALID; 626  } 627  628  629  return 0; 630 } 631  632  633 Int2 634 BLAST_FillInitialWordOptions(BlastInitialWordOptions* options, 635  EBlastProgramType program, Int4 window_size, 636  double xdrop_ungapped) 637 { 638  if (!options) 639  return BLASTERR_INVALIDPARAM; 640  641  if (window_size != 0) 642  options->window_size = window_size; 643  if (xdrop_ungapped != 0) 644  options->x_dropoff = xdrop_ungapped; 645  646  return 0; 647 } 648  649 BlastExtensionOptions* 650 BlastExtensionOptionsFree(BlastExtensionOptions* options) 651  652 { 653  654  sfree(options); 655  656  return NULL; 657 } 658  659 Int2 660 BlastExtensionOptionsNew(EBlastProgramType program, BlastExtensionOptions* *options, Boolean gapped) 661  662 { 663  *options = (BlastExtensionOptions*) 664  calloc(1, sizeof(BlastExtensionOptions)); 665  666  if (*options == NULL) 667  return BLASTERR_MEMORY; 668  669  if (/* program != eBlastTypeBlastn && 670  program != eBlastTypePhiBlastn*/ 671  !Blast_ProgramIsNucleotide(program)) /* protein-protein options. */ 672  { 673  (*options)->gap_x_dropoff = BLAST_GAP_X_DROPOFF_PROT; 674  (*options)->gap_x_dropoff_final = 675  BLAST_GAP_X_DROPOFF_FINAL_PROT; 676  } else { 677  (*options)->gap_x_dropoff = BLAST_GAP_X_DROPOFF_NUCL; 678  (*options)->gap_x_dropoff_final = BLAST_GAP_X_DROPOFF_FINAL_NUCL; 679  } 680  681  (*options)->ePrelimGapExt = eDynProgScoreOnly; 682  (*options)->eTbackExt = eDynProgTbck; 683  (*options)->compositionBasedStats = eNoCompositionBasedStats; 684  685  /** @todo how to determine this for PSI-BLAST bootstrap run (i.e. when 686  * program is blastp? */ 687  if (gapped && (Blast_QueryIsPssm(program) && ! Blast_SubjectIsTranslated(program))) { 688  (*options)->compositionBasedStats = eCompositionBasedStats; 689  } 690  691  (*options)->max_mismatches = 5; 692  (*options)->mismatch_window = 10; 693  (*options)->program_number = program; 694  695  return 0; 696 } 697  698 Int2 699 BLAST_FillExtensionOptions(BlastExtensionOptions* options, 700  EBlastProgramType program, Int4 greedy, double x_dropoff, 701  double x_dropoff_final) 702 { 703  if (!options) 704  return BLASTERR_INVALIDPARAM; 705  706  if (/*program == eBlastTypeBlastn || program == eBlastTypePhiBlastn*/ 707  Blast_ProgramIsNucleotide(program)) { 708  if (greedy) { 709  options->gap_x_dropoff = BLAST_GAP_X_DROPOFF_GREEDY; 710  options->gap_x_dropoff_final = BLAST_GAP_X_DROPOFF_FINAL_NUCL; 711  options->ePrelimGapExt = eGreedyScoreOnly; 712  options->eTbackExt = eGreedyTbck; 713  } else { 714  options->gap_x_dropoff = BLAST_GAP_X_DROPOFF_NUCL; 715  options->gap_x_dropoff_final = BLAST_GAP_X_DROPOFF_FINAL_NUCL; 716  options->ePrelimGapExt = eDynProgScoreOnly; 717  options->eTbackExt = eDynProgTbck; 718  } 719  } 720  721  if (Blast_QueryIsPssm(program) && ! Blast_SubjectIsTranslated(program)) { 722  options->compositionBasedStats = eCompositionBasedStats; 723  } 724  725  if (x_dropoff) 726  options->gap_x_dropoff = x_dropoff; 727  if (x_dropoff_final) { 728  options->gap_x_dropoff_final = x_dropoff_final; 729  } else { 730  /* Final X-dropoff can't be smaller than preliminary X-dropoff */ 731  options->gap_x_dropoff_final = 732  MAX(options->gap_x_dropoff_final, x_dropoff); 733  } 734  735  return 0; 736  737 } 738  739 Int2 740 BlastExtensionOptionsValidate(EBlastProgramType program_number, 741  const BlastExtensionOptions* options, Blast_Message* *blast_msg) 742  743 { 744  if (options == NULL) 745  return BLASTERR_INVALIDPARAM; 746  747  if (program_number != eBlastTypeBlastn && 748  program_number != eBlastTypeMapping && 749  (options->ePrelimGapExt == eGreedyScoreOnly || 750  options->eTbackExt == eGreedyTbck)) 751  { 752  Blast_MessageWrite(blast_msg, eBlastSevWarning, 753  kBlastMessageNoContext, 754  "Greedy extension only supported for BLASTN"); 755  return BLASTERR_OPTION_PROGRAM_INVALID; 756  } 757  758  if ((options->ePrelimGapExt == eSmithWatermanScoreOnly && 759  options->eTbackExt != eSmithWatermanTbckFull) || 760  (options->ePrelimGapExt != eSmithWatermanScoreOnly && 761  options->eTbackExt == eSmithWatermanTbckFull)) 762  { 763  Blast_MessageWrite(blast_msg, eBlastSevWarning, 764  kBlastMessageNoContext, 765  "Score-only and traceback Smith-Waterman must " 766  "both be specified"); 767  return BLASTERR_OPTION_VALUE_INVALID; 768  } 769  770  return 0; 771 } 772  773 BlastScoringOptions* 774 BlastScoringOptionsFree(BlastScoringOptions* options) 775  776 { 777  if (options == NULL) 778  return NULL; 779  780  sfree(options->matrix); 781  sfree(options->matrix_path); 782  sfree(options); 783  784  return NULL; 785 } 786  787 Int2 788 BlastScoringOptionsNew(EBlastProgramType program_number, BlastScoringOptions* *options) 789 { 790  *options = (BlastScoringOptions*) calloc(1, sizeof(BlastScoringOptions)); 791  792  if (*options == NULL) 793  return BLASTERR_INVALIDPARAM; 794  795  if (/*program_number != eBlastTypeBlastn && 796  program_number != eBlastTypePhiBlastn*/ 797  !Blast_ProgramIsNucleotide(program_number)) {/*protein-protein options.*/ 798  (*options)->shift_pen = INT2_MAX; 799  (*options)->is_ooframe = FALSE; 800  (*options)->gap_open = BLAST_GAP_OPEN_PROT; 801  (*options)->gap_extend = BLAST_GAP_EXTN_PROT; 802  (*options)->matrix = strdup(BLAST_DEFAULT_MATRIX); 803  } else { /* nucleotide-nucleotide options. */ 804  (*options)->penalty = BLAST_PENALTY; 805  (*options)->reward = BLAST_REWARD; 806  /* This is correct except when greedy extension is used. In that case 807  these values would have to be reset. */ 808  (*options)->gap_open = BLAST_GAP_OPEN_NUCL; 809  (*options)->gap_extend = BLAST_GAP_EXTN_NUCL; 810  } 811  if (program_number != eBlastTypeTblastx) { 812  (*options)->gapped_calculation = TRUE; 813  } 814  (*options)->program_number = program_number; 815  /* By default cross_match-like complexity adjusted scoring is 816  turned off. RMBlastN is currently the only program to use this. -RMH */ 817  (*options)->complexity_adjusted_scoring = FALSE; 818  819  return 0; 820 } 821  822 Int2 823 BLAST_FillScoringOptions(BlastScoringOptions* options, 824  EBlastProgramType program_number, Boolean greedy_extension, Int4 penalty, Int4 reward, 825  const char *matrix, Int4 gap_open, Int4 gap_extend) 826 { 827  if (!options) 828  return BLASTERR_INVALIDPARAM; 829  830  if (/*program_number != eBlastTypeBlastn && 831  program_number != eBlastTypePhiBlastn*/ 832  !Blast_ProgramIsNucleotide(program_number)) {/* protein-protein options. */ 833  /* If matrix name is not provided, keep the default "BLOSUM62" value filled in 834  BlastScoringOptionsNew, otherwise reset it. */ 835  if (matrix) 836  BlastScoringOptionsSetMatrix(options, matrix); 837  } else { /* nucleotide-nucleotide options. */ 838  if (penalty) 839  options->penalty = penalty; 840  if (reward) 841  options->reward = reward; 842  843  if (greedy_extension) { 844  options->gap_open = BLAST_GAP_OPEN_MEGABLAST; 845  options->gap_extend = BLAST_GAP_EXTN_MEGABLAST; 846  } else { 847  options->gap_open = BLAST_GAP_OPEN_NUCL; 848  options->gap_extend = BLAST_GAP_EXTN_NUCL; 849  } 850  } 851  if (gap_open >= 0) 852  options->gap_open = gap_open; 853  if (gap_extend >= 0) 854  options->gap_extend = gap_extend; 855  856  options->program_number = program_number; 857  858  return 0; 859 } 860  861 Int2 862 BlastScoringOptionsValidate(EBlastProgramType program_number, 863  const BlastScoringOptions* options, Blast_Message* *blast_msg) 864  865 { 866  if (options == NULL) 867  return BLASTERR_INVALIDPARAM; 868  869  if (program_number == eBlastTypeTblastx && options->gapped_calculation) 870  { 871  Blast_MessageWrite(blast_msg, eBlastSevError, kBlastMessageNoContext, 872  "Gapped search is not allowed for tblastx"); 873  return BLASTERR_OPTION_PROGRAM_INVALID; 874  } 875  876  if (/*program_number == eBlastTypeBlastn || program_number == eBlastTypePhiBlastn*/ 877  Blast_ProgramIsNucleotide(program_number)) 878  { 879  // A penalty/reward of 0/0 is a signal that this is rmblastn 880  // which allows specification of penalties as positive integers. 881  if ( ! ( options->penalty == 0 && options->reward == 0 ) ) 882  { 883  if (options->penalty >= 0) 884  { 885  Blast_MessageWrite(blast_msg, eBlastSevWarning, kBlastMessageNoContext, 886  "BLASTN penalty must be negative"); 887  return BLASTERR_OPTION_VALUE_INVALID; 888  } 889  890  /* !!! this is temporary until there is jumper or mapping options handle */ 891  if (0 && options->gapped_calculation && 892  !Blast_ProgramIsMapping(program_number) && 893  !BLAST_CheckRewardPenaltyScores(options->reward, options->penalty)) 894  { 895  Blast_MessageWrite(blast_msg, eBlastSevWarning, kBlastMessageNoContext, 896  "BLASTN reward/penalty combination not supported for gapped search"); 897  return BLASTERR_OPTION_VALUE_INVALID; 898  } 899  } 900  901  if (options->gapped_calculation && options->gap_open > 0 && options->gap_extend == 0) 902  { 903  Blast_MessageWrite(blast_msg, eBlastSevWarning, kBlastMessageNoContext, 904  "BLASTN gap extension penalty cannot be 0"); 905  return BLASTERR_OPTION_VALUE_INVALID; 906  } 907  } 908  else 909  { 910  if (options->gapped_calculation && !Blast_ProgramIsRpsBlast(program_number)) 911  { 912  Int2 status=0; 913  Boolean std_matrix_only = 914  (program_number != eBlastTypeBlastp && 915  program_number != eBlastTypeTblastn); 916  if ((status=Blast_KarlinBlkGappedLoadFromTables(NULL, options->gap_open, 917  options->gap_extend, options->matrix, std_matrix_only)) != 0) 918  { 919  if (status == 1) 920  { 921  char* buffer; 922  923  buffer = BLAST_PrintMatrixMessage(options->matrix, 924  std_matrix_only); 925  926  Blast_MessageWrite(blast_msg, eBlastSevError, kBlastMessageNoContext, buffer); 927  sfree(buffer); 928  return BLASTERR_OPTION_VALUE_INVALID; 929  930  } 931  else if (status == 2) 932  { 933  char* buffer; 934  935  buffer = BLAST_PrintAllowedValues(options->matrix, 936  options->gap_open, options->gap_extend); 937  Blast_MessageWrite(blast_msg, eBlastSevError, kBlastMessageNoContext, buffer); 938  sfree(buffer); 939  return BLASTERR_OPTION_VALUE_INVALID; 940  } 941  } 942  } 943  } 944  945  if (program_number != eBlastTypeBlastx && program_number != eBlastTypeTblastn && options->is_ooframe) 946  { 947  Blast_MessageWrite(blast_msg, eBlastSevWarning, kBlastMessageNoContext, 948  "Out-of-frame only permitted for blastx and tblastn"); 949  return BLASTERR_OPTION_PROGRAM_INVALID; 950  } 951  952  return 0; 953 } 954  955 Int2 956 BlastScoringOptionsDup(BlastScoringOptions* *new_opt, const BlastScoringOptions* old_opt) 957 { 958  if (old_opt == NULL || new_opt == NULL) 959  return BLASTERR_INVALIDPARAM; 960  961  *new_opt = (BlastScoringOptions*) BlastMemDup(old_opt, sizeof(BlastScoringOptions)); 962  if (*new_opt == NULL) 963  return BLASTERR_MEMORY; 964  965  if (old_opt->matrix) 966  (*new_opt)->matrix = strdup(old_opt->matrix); 967  968  if (old_opt->matrix_path) 969  (*new_opt)->matrix_path = strdup(old_opt->matrix_path); 970  971  return 0; 972 } 973  974 Int2 BlastScoringOptionsSetMatrix(BlastScoringOptions* opts, 975  const char* matrix_name) 976 { 977  Uint4 i; 978  979  if (matrix_name) { 980  sfree(opts->matrix); 981  opts->matrix = strdup(matrix_name); 982  /* Make it all upper case */ 983  for (i=0; imatrix); ++i) 984  opts->matrix[i] = toupper((unsigned char) opts->matrix[i]); 985  } 986  return 0; 987 } 988  989 BlastEffectiveLengthsOptions* 990 BlastEffectiveLengthsOptionsFree(BlastEffectiveLengthsOptions* options) 991  992 { 993  if (options == NULL) 994  return NULL; 995  996  sfree(options->searchsp_eff); 997  sfree(options); 998  return NULL; 999 } 1000  1001  1002 Int2 1003 BlastEffectiveLengthsOptionsNew(BlastEffectiveLengthsOptions* *options) 1004  1005 { 1006  if (options == NULL) { 1007  return BLASTERR_INVALIDPARAM; 1008  } 1009  1010  *options = (BlastEffectiveLengthsOptions*) 1011  calloc(1, sizeof(BlastEffectiveLengthsOptions)); 1012  1013  if (*options == NULL) 1014  return BLASTERR_MEMORY; 1015  1016  return 0; 1017 } 1018  1019 Boolean 1020 BlastEffectiveLengthsOptions_IsSearchSpaceSet(const 1021  BlastEffectiveLengthsOptions* 1022  options) 1023 { 1024  int i; 1025  if ( !options || options->searchsp_eff == NULL) { 1026  return FALSE; 1027  } 1028  1029  for (i = 0; i < options->num_searchspaces; i++) { 1030  if (options->searchsp_eff[i] != 0) { 1031  return TRUE; 1032  } 1033  } 1034  return FALSE; 1035 } 1036  1037 Int2 1038 BLAST_FillEffectiveLengthsOptions(BlastEffectiveLengthsOptions* options, 1039  Int4 dbseq_num, Int8 db_length, Int8* searchsp_eff, Int4 num_searchsp) 1040 { 1041  Int4 index; 1042  if (!options) 1043  return BLASTERR_INVALIDPARAM; 1044  1045  if (num_searchsp > options->num_searchspaces) { 1046  options->num_searchspaces = num_searchsp; 1047  options->searchsp_eff = (Int8 *)realloc(options->searchsp_eff, 1048  num_searchsp * sizeof(Int8)); 1049  if (options->searchsp_eff == NULL) 1050  return BLASTERR_MEMORY; 1051  } 1052  1053  for (index = 0; index < options->num_searchspaces; index++) 1054  options->searchsp_eff[index] = searchsp_eff[index]; 1055  1056  options->dbseq_num = dbseq_num; 1057  options->db_length = db_length; 1058  1059  return 0; 1060 } 1061  1062 LookupTableOptions* 1063 LookupTableOptionsFree(LookupTableOptions* options) 1064  1065 { 1066  1067  if (options == NULL) 1068  return NULL; 1069  1070  sfree(options->phi_pattern); 1071  1072  sfree(options); 1073  return NULL; 1074 } 1075  1076 Int2 1077 LookupTableOptionsNew(EBlastProgramType program_number, LookupTableOptions* *options) 1078 { 1079  *options = (LookupTableOptions*) calloc(1, sizeof(LookupTableOptions)); 1080  1081  if (*options == NULL) 1082  return BLASTERR_INVALIDPARAM; 1083  1084  switch (program_number) { 1085  case eBlastTypeMapping: 1086  (*options)->max_db_word_count = MAX_DB_WORD_COUNT_MAPPER; 1087  case eBlastTypeBlastn: 1088  /* Blastn default is megablast. */ 1089  (*options)->word_size = BLAST_WORDSIZE_MEGABLAST; 1090  (*options)->lut_type = eMBLookupTable; 1091  break; 1092  case eBlastTypeRpsBlast: case eBlastTypeRpsTblastn: 1093  (*options)->word_size = BLAST_WORDSIZE_PROT; 1094  (*options)->lut_type = eRPSLookupTable; 1095  1096  if (program_number == eBlastTypeRpsBlast) 1097  (*options)->threshold = BLAST_WORD_THRESHOLD_BLASTP; 1098  else 1099  (*options)->threshold = BLAST_WORD_THRESHOLD_TBLASTN; 1100  break; 1101  case eBlastTypePhiBlastn: 1102  (*options)->lut_type = ePhiNaLookupTable; 1103  break; 1104  case eBlastTypePhiBlastp: 1105  (*options)->lut_type = ePhiLookupTable; 1106  break; 1107  default: 1108  (*options)->word_size = BLAST_WORDSIZE_PROT; 1109  (*options)->lut_type = eAaLookupTable; 1110  1111  if (program_number == eBlastTypeBlastp) 1112  (*options)->threshold = BLAST_WORD_THRESHOLD_BLASTP; 1113  else if (program_number == eBlastTypeBlastx) 1114  (*options)->threshold = BLAST_WORD_THRESHOLD_BLASTX; 1115  else if (program_number == eBlastTypeTblastn) 1116  (*options)->threshold = BLAST_WORD_THRESHOLD_TBLASTN; 1117  else if (program_number == eBlastTypeTblastx) 1118  (*options)->threshold = BLAST_WORD_THRESHOLD_TBLASTX; 1119  break; 1120  } 1121  1122  (*options)->program_number = program_number; 1123  (*options)->stride = 0; 1124  1125  return 0; 1126 } 1127  1128 Int2 1129 BLAST_FillLookupTableOptions(LookupTableOptions* options, 1130  EBlastProgramType program_number, Boolean is_megablast, 1131  double threshold, Int4 word_size) 1132 { 1133  if (!options) 1134  return BLASTERR_INVALIDPARAM; 1135  1136  if (program_number == eBlastTypeBlastn) { 1137  1138  if (is_megablast) { 1139  options->lut_type = eMBLookupTable; 1140  options->word_size = BLAST_WORDSIZE_MEGABLAST; 1141  } else { 1142  options->lut_type = eNaLookupTable; 1143  options->word_size = BLAST_WORDSIZE_NUCL; 1144  } 1145  } else if (program_number == eBlastTypeMapping) { 1146  options->lut_type = eNaHashLookupTable; 1147  options->word_size = BLAST_WORDSIZE_MAPPER; 1148  options->max_db_word_count = MAX_DB_WORD_COUNT_MAPPER; 1149  } else { 1150  options->lut_type = eAaLookupTable; 1151  } 1152  1153  /* if the supplied threshold is negative, disable neighboring words */ 1154  if (threshold < 0) 1155  options->threshold = 0; 1156  1157  /* if the supplied threshold is > 0, use it otherwise, use the default */ 1158  if (threshold > 0) 1159  options->threshold = threshold; 1160  1161  if (Blast_ProgramIsRpsBlast(program_number)) 1162  options->lut_type = eRPSLookupTable; 1163  if (word_size) 1164  options->word_size = word_size; 1165  if ((program_number == eBlastTypeTblastn || 1166  program_number == eBlastTypeBlastp || 1167  program_number == eBlastTypeBlastx) && 1168  word_size > 5) 1169  options->lut_type = eCompressedAaLookupTable; 1170  1171  return 0; 1172 } 1173  1174 Int2 BLAST_GetSuggestedThreshold(EBlastProgramType program_number, const char* matrixName, double* threshold) 1175 { 1176  1177  const double kB62_threshold = 11; 1178  1179  if (program_number == eBlastTypeBlastn || 1180  program_number == eBlastTypeMapping) 1181  return 0; 1182  1183  if (matrixName == NULL) 1184  return BLASTERR_INVALIDPARAM; 1185  1186  if(strcasecmp(matrixName, "BLOSUM62") == 0) 1187  *threshold = kB62_threshold; 1188  else if(strcasecmp(matrixName, "BLOSUM45") == 0) 1189  *threshold = 14; 1190  else if(strcasecmp(matrixName, "BLOSUM62_20") == 0) 1191  *threshold = 100; 1192  else if(strcasecmp(matrixName, "BLOSUM80") == 0) 1193  *threshold = 12; 1194  else if(strcasecmp(matrixName, "PAM30") == 0) 1195  *threshold = 16; 1196  else if(strcasecmp(matrixName, "PAM70") == 0) 1197  *threshold = 14; 1198  else if(strcasecmp(matrixName, "IDENTITY") == 0) 1199  *threshold = 27; 1200  else 1201  *threshold = kB62_threshold; 1202  1203  if (Blast_SubjectIsTranslated(program_number) == TRUE) 1204  *threshold += 2; /* Covers tblastn, tblastx, psi-tblastn rpstblastn. */ 1205  else if (Blast_QueryIsTranslated(program_number) == TRUE) 1206  *threshold += 1; 1207  1208  return 0; 1209 } 1210  1211 Int2 BLAST_GetSuggestedWindowSize(EBlastProgramType program_number, const char* matrixName, Int4* window_size) 1212 { 1213  const Int4 kB62_windowsize = 40; 1214  1215  if (program_number == eBlastTypeBlastn || 1216  program_number == eBlastTypeMapping) 1217  return 0; 1218  1219  if (matrixName == NULL) 1220  return BLASTERR_INVALIDPARAM; 1221  1222  if(strcasecmp(matrixName, "BLOSUM62") == 0) 1223  *window_size = kB62_windowsize; 1224  else if(strcasecmp(matrixName, "BLOSUM45") == 0) 1225  *window_size = 60; 1226  else if(strcasecmp(matrixName, "BLOSUM80") == 0) 1227  *window_size = 25; 1228  else if(strcasecmp(matrixName, "PAM30") == 0) 1229  *window_size = 15; 1230  else if(strcasecmp(matrixName, "PAM70") == 0) 1231  *window_size = 20; 1232  else 1233  *window_size = kB62_windowsize; 1234  1235  return 0; 1236 } 1237  1238 /** Validate options for the discontiguous word megablast 1239  * Word size must be 11 or 12; template length 16, 18 or 21; 1240  * template type 0, 1 or 2. 1241  * @param word_size Word size option [in] 1242  * @param template_length Discontiguous template length [in] 1243  * @param template_type Discontiguous template type [in] 1244  * @param blast_msg Used for storing error messages [in][out] 1245  * @return TRUE if options combination valid. 1246  */ 1247 static Boolean 1248 s_DiscWordOptionsValidate(Int4 word_size, Uint1 template_length, 1249  Uint1 template_type, 1250  Blast_Message** blast_msg) 1251 { 1252  if (template_length == 0) 1253  return TRUE; 1254  1255  1256  if (word_size != 11 && word_size != 12) { 1257  Blast_MessageWrite(blast_msg, eBlastSevError, kBlastMessageNoContext, 1258  "Invalid discontiguous template parameters: word " 1259  "size must be either 11 or 12"); 1260  return FALSE; 1261  } 1262  1263  if (template_length != 16 && template_length != 18 && 1264  template_length != 21) { 1265  Blast_MessageWrite(blast_msg, eBlastSevError, kBlastMessageNoContext, 1266  "Invalid discontiguous template parameters: " 1267  "template length must be 16, 18, or 21"); 1268  return FALSE; 1269  } 1270  1271  if (template_type > 2) { 1272  /* should never fail coming from the C++ APIs as we represent these as 1273  * strings */ 1274  Blast_MessageWrite(blast_msg, eBlastSevError, kBlastMessageNoContext, 1275  "Invalid discontiguous template parameters: " 1276  "template type must be 0, 1, or 2"); 1277  return FALSE; 1278  } 1279  1280  return TRUE; 1281 } 1282  1283 Int2 1284 LookupTableOptionsValidate(EBlastProgramType program_number, 1285  const LookupTableOptions* options, Blast_Message* *blast_msg) 1286  1287 { 1288  const Boolean kPhiBlast = Blast_ProgramIsPhiBlast(program_number); 1289  1290  if (options == NULL) 1291  return BLASTERR_INVALIDPARAM; 1292  1293  if (options->phi_pattern && !kPhiBlast) { 1294  Blast_MessageWrite(blast_msg, eBlastSevError, kBlastMessageNoContext, 1295  "PHI pattern can be specified only for blastp and blastn"); 1296  return BLASTERR_OPTION_PROGRAM_INVALID; 1297  } 1298  1299  /* For PHI BLAST, the subsequent word size tests are not needed. */ 1300  if (kPhiBlast) 1301  return 0; 1302  1303  if (program_number != eBlastTypeBlastn && 1304  program_number != eBlastTypeMapping && 1305  (!Blast_ProgramIsRpsBlast(program_number)) && 1306  options->threshold word_size word_size < 4) 1323  { 1324  Blast_MessageWrite(blast_msg, eBlastSevError, kBlastMessageNoContext, 1325  "Word-size must be 4 or greater for nucleotide comparison"); 1326  return BLASTERR_OPTION_VALUE_INVALID; 1327  } else if (program_number != eBlastTypeBlastn && 1328  program_number != eBlastTypeMapping && options->word_size > 5) 1329  { 1330  if (program_number == eBlastTypeBlastp || 1331  program_number == eBlastTypeTblastn || 1332  program_number == eBlastTypeBlastx) 1333  { 1334  if (options->word_size > 7) { 1335  Blast_MessageWrite(blast_msg, eBlastSevError, 1336  kBlastMessageNoContext, 1337  "Word-size must be less than " 1338  "8 for a tblastn, blastp or blastx search"); 1339  return BLASTERR_OPTION_VALUE_INVALID; 1340  } 1341  } 1342  else { 1343  Blast_MessageWrite(blast_msg, eBlastSevError, 1344  kBlastMessageNoContext, 1345  "Word-size must be less " 1346  "than 6 for protein comparison"); 1347  return BLASTERR_OPTION_VALUE_INVALID; 1348  } 1349  } 1350  1351  if (program_number != eBlastTypeBlastn && 1352  program_number != eBlastTypeMapping && 1353  options->lut_type == eMBLookupTable) 1354  { 1355  Blast_MessageWrite(blast_msg, eBlastSevError, kBlastMessageNoContext, 1356  "Megablast lookup table only supported with blastn"); 1357  return BLASTERR_OPTION_PROGRAM_INVALID; 1358  } 1359  1360  if (program_number == eBlastTypeBlastp || 1361  program_number == eBlastTypeTblastn || 1362  program_number == eBlastTypeBlastx) 1363  { 1364  if (options->word_size > 5 && 1365  options->lut_type != eCompressedAaLookupTable) { 1366  Blast_MessageWrite(blast_msg, eBlastSevError, 1367  kBlastMessageNoContext, 1368  "Blastp, Blastx or Tblastn with word size" 1369  " > 5 requires a " 1370  "compressed alphabet lookup table"); 1371  return BLASTERR_OPTION_VALUE_INVALID; 1372  } 1373  else if (options->lut_type == eCompressedAaLookupTable && 1374  options->word_size != 5 && options->word_size != 6 && 1375  options->word_size != 7) { 1376  Blast_MessageWrite(blast_msg, eBlastSevError, kBlastMessageNoContext, 1377  "Compressed alphabet lookup table requires " 1378  "word size 5, 6 or 7"); 1379  return BLASTERR_OPTION_VALUE_INVALID; 1380  } 1381  } 1382  1383  if (/*program_number == eBlastTypeBlastn &&*/ 1384  Blast_ProgramIsNucleotide(program_number) && 1385  !Blast_QueryIsPattern(program_number) && 1386  options->mb_template_length > 0) { 1387  if (!s_DiscWordOptionsValidate(options->word_size, 1388  options->mb_template_length, 1389  options->mb_template_type, 1390  blast_msg)) { 1391  return BLASTERR_OPTION_VALUE_INVALID; 1392  } else if (options->lut_type != eMBLookupTable) { 1393  Blast_MessageWrite(blast_msg, eBlastSevError, kBlastMessageNoContext, 1394  "Invalid lookup table type for discontiguous Mega BLAST"); 1395  return BLASTERR_OPTION_VALUE_INVALID; 1396  } 1397  } 1398  1399  if (!Blast_ProgramIsNucleotide(program_number) && options->db_filter) { 1400  Blast_MessageWrite(blast_msg, eBlastSevError, kBlastMessageNoContext, 1401  "The limit_lookup option can only be used for " 1402  "nucleotide searches"); 1403  return BLASTERR_OPTION_VALUE_INVALID; 1404  } 1405  1406  if (options->db_filter && options->word_size < 16) { 1407  Blast_MessageWrite(blast_msg, eBlastSevError, kBlastMessageNoContext, 1408  "The limit_lookup option can only be used with " 1409  "word size >= 16"); 1410  return BLASTERR_OPTION_VALUE_INVALID; 1411  } 1412  1413  return 0; 1414 } 1415  1416 BlastHitSavingOptions* 1417 BlastHitSavingOptionsFree(BlastHitSavingOptions* options) 1418  1419 { 1420  if (options) { 1421  options->hsp_filt_opt = BlastHSPFilteringOptionsFree(options->hsp_filt_opt); 1422  } 1423  sfree(options); 1424  return NULL; 1425 } 1426  1427  1428 Int2 BlastHitSavingOptionsNew(EBlastProgramType program_number, 1429  BlastHitSavingOptions** options, 1430  Boolean gapped_calculation) 1431 { 1432  *options = (BlastHitSavingOptions*) calloc(1, sizeof(BlastHitSavingOptions)); 1433  1434  if (*options == NULL) 1435  return BLASTERR_INVALIDPARAM; 1436  1437  (*options)->hitlist_size = BLAST_HITLIST_SIZE; 1438  (*options)->expect_value = BLAST_EXPECT_VALUE; 1439  (*options)->program_number = program_number; 1440  1441  // Initialize mask_level parameter -RMH- 1442  (*options)->mask_level = 101; 1443  1444  /* By default, sum statistics is used for all translated searches 1445  * (except RPS BLAST), and for all ungapped searches. 1446  */ 1447  if (program_number == eBlastTypeRpsTblastn) { 1448  (*options)->do_sum_stats = FALSE; 1449  } else if (!gapped_calculation || 1450  Blast_QueryIsTranslated(program_number) || 1451  Blast_SubjectIsTranslated(program_number)) { 1452  (*options)->do_sum_stats = TRUE; 1453  } else { 1454  (*options)->do_sum_stats = FALSE; 1455  } 1456  1457  (*options)->hsp_filt_opt = NULL; 1458  1459  (*options)->max_edit_distance = INT4_MAX; 1460  1461  return 0; 1462  1463 } 1464  1465 Int2 1466 BLAST_FillHitSavingOptions(BlastHitSavingOptions* options, 1467  double evalue, Int4 hitlist_size, 1468  Boolean is_gapped, Int4 culling_limit, 1469  Int4 min_diag_separation) 1470 { 1471  if (!options) 1472  return BLASTERR_INVALIDPARAM; 1473  1474  if (hitlist_size) 1475  options->hitlist_size = hitlist_size; 1476  if (evalue) 1477  options->expect_value = evalue; 1478  if (min_diag_separation) 1479  options->min_diag_separation = min_diag_separation; 1480  options->culling_limit = culling_limit; 1481  options->hsp_filt_opt = NULL; 1482  options->max_edit_distance = INT4_MAX; 1483  1484  return 0; 1485  1486 } 1487  1488 Int2 1489 BlastHitSavingOptionsValidate(EBlastProgramType program_number, 1490  const BlastHitSavingOptions* options, Blast_Message* *blast_msg) 1491 { 1492  if (options == NULL) 1493  return BLASTERR_INVALIDPARAM; 1494  1495  if (options->hitlist_size < 1) 1496  { 1497  Blast_MessageWrite(blast_msg, eBlastSevError, kBlastMessageNoContext, 1498  "No hits are being saved"); 1499  return BLASTERR_OPTION_VALUE_INVALID; 1500  } 1501  1502  if (options->expect_value cutoff_score longest_intron != 0 && 1510  program_number != eBlastTypeTblastn && 1511  program_number != eBlastTypePsiTblastn && 1512  program_number != eBlastTypeBlastx && 1513  program_number != eBlastTypeMapping) { 1514  Blast_MessageWrite(blast_msg, eBlastSevError, kBlastMessageNoContext, 1515  "Uneven gap linking of HSPs is allowed for blastx, " 1516  "tblastn, and psitblastn only"); 1517  return BLASTERR_OPTION_PROGRAM_INVALID; 1518  } 1519  1520  if (options->culling_limit < 0) 1521  { 1522  Blast_MessageWrite(blast_msg, eBlastSevError, kBlastMessageNoContext, 1523  "culling limit must be greater than or equal to zero"); 1524  return BLASTERR_OPTION_VALUE_INVALID; 1525  } 1526  1527  if (options->hsp_filt_opt) { 1528  if (BlastHSPFilteringOptionsValidate(options->hsp_filt_opt) != 0) { 1529  Blast_MessageWrite(blast_msg, eBlastSevError, kBlastMessageNoContext, 1530  "HSP Filtering options invalid"); 1531  return BLASTERR_OPTION_VALUE_INVALID; 1532  } 1533  } 1534  1535  return 0; 1536 } 1537  1538 Int2 PSIBlastOptionsNew(PSIBlastOptions** psi_options) 1539 { 1540  PSIBlastOptions* options = NULL; 1541  1542  if ( !psi_options ) 1543  return BLASTERR_INVALIDPARAM; 1544  1545  options = (PSIBlastOptions*)calloc(1, sizeof(PSIBlastOptions)); 1546  if ( !options ) 1547  return BLASTERR_MEMORY; 1548  1549  *psi_options = options; 1550  options->inclusion_ethresh = PSI_INCLUSION_ETHRESH; 1551  options->pseudo_count = PSI_PSEUDO_COUNT_CONST; 1552  options->use_best_alignment = TRUE; 1553  1554  options->nsg_compatibility_mode = FALSE; 1555  options->impala_scaling_factor = kPSSM_NoImpalaScaling; 1556  options->ignore_unaligned_positions = FALSE; 1557  1558  return 0; 1559 } 1560  1561 Int2 PSIBlastOptionsValidate(const PSIBlastOptions* psi_options, 1562  Blast_Message** blast_msg) 1563 { 1564  Int2 retval = 1; /* assume failure */ 1565  1566  if ( !psi_options ) { 1567  return retval; 1568  } 1569  1570  if (psi_options->pseudo_count < 0) { 1571  Blast_MessageWrite(blast_msg, eBlastSevError, kBlastMessageNoContext, 1572  "Pseudo count must be greater than or equal to 0"); 1573  return retval; 1574  } 1575  1576  if (psi_options->inclusion_ethresh genetic_code = BLAST_GENETIC_CODE; 1606  *db_options = options; 1607  1608  return 0; 1609 } 1610  1611 BlastDatabaseOptions* 1612 BlastDatabaseOptionsFree(BlastDatabaseOptions* db_options) 1613 { 1614  1615  if (db_options == NULL) 1616  return NULL; 1617  1618  sfree(db_options); 1619  return NULL; 1620 } 1621  1622 Int2 BLAST_InitDefaultOptions(EBlastProgramType program_number, 1623  LookupTableOptions** lookup_options, 1624  QuerySetUpOptions** query_setup_options, 1625  BlastInitialWordOptions** word_options, 1626  BlastExtensionOptions** ext_options, 1627  BlastHitSavingOptions** hit_options, 1628  BlastScoringOptions** score_options, 1629  BlastEffectiveLengthsOptions** eff_len_options, 1630  PSIBlastOptions** psi_options, 1631  BlastDatabaseOptions** db_options) 1632 { 1633  Int2 status; 1634  1635  if ((status = LookupTableOptionsNew(program_number, lookup_options))) 1636  return status; 1637  1638  if ((status=BlastQuerySetUpOptionsNew(query_setup_options))) 1639  return status; 1640  1641  if ((status=BlastInitialWordOptionsNew(program_number, word_options))) 1642  return status; 1643  1644  if ((status=BlastScoringOptionsNew(program_number, score_options))) 1645  return status; 1646  1647  if ((status = BlastExtensionOptionsNew(program_number, ext_options, 1648  (*score_options)->gapped_calculation))) 1649  return status; 1650  1651  if ((status=BlastHitSavingOptionsNew(program_number, hit_options, 1652  (*score_options)->gapped_calculation))) 1653  return status; 1654  1655  if ((status=BlastEffectiveLengthsOptionsNew(eff_len_options))) 1656  return status; 1657  1658  if ((status=PSIBlastOptionsNew(psi_options))) 1659  return status; 1660  1661  if ((status=BlastDatabaseOptionsNew(db_options))) 1662  return status; 1663  1664  return 0; 1665  1666 } 1667  1668 /** Checks that the extension and scoring options are consistent with each other 1669  * @param program_number identifies the program [in] 1670  * @param ext_options the extension options [in] 1671  * @param score_options the scoring options [in] 1672  * @param blast_msg returns a message on errors. [in|out] 1673  * @return zero on success, an error code otherwise. 1674  */ 1675 static Int2 s_BlastExtensionScoringOptionsValidate(EBlastProgramType program_number, 1676  const BlastExtensionOptions* ext_options, 1677  const BlastScoringOptions* score_options, 1678  Blast_Message* *blast_msg) 1679 { 1680  if (ext_options == NULL || score_options == NULL) 1681  return BLASTERR_INVALIDPARAM; 1682  1683  if (program_number == eBlastTypeBlastn) 1684  { 1685  if (score_options->gap_open == 0 && score_options->gap_extend == 0) 1686  { 1687  if (ext_options->ePrelimGapExt != eGreedyScoreOnly && 1688  ext_options->eTbackExt != eGreedyTbck) 1689  { 1690  Blast_MessageWrite(blast_msg, eBlastSevWarning, 1691  kBlastMessageNoContext, 1692  "Greedy extension must be used if gap existence and extension options are zero"); 1693  return BLASTERR_OPTION_VALUE_INVALID; 1694  } 1695  } 1696  } 1697  1698  if (program_number == eBlastTypeMapping) { 1699  if (ext_options->ePrelimGapExt != eJumperWithTraceback) { 1700  1701  Blast_MessageWrite(blast_msg, eBlastSevWarning, 1702  kBlastMessageNoContext, 1703  "Jumper extension must be used for mapping"); 1704  1705  return BLASTERR_OPTION_VALUE_INVALID; 1706  } 1707  } 1708  1709  if (ext_options->compositionBasedStats != eNoCompositionBasedStats) 1710  { 1711  if (!Blast_QueryIsPssm(program_number) && program_number != eBlastTypeTblastn && 1712  program_number != eBlastTypeBlastp && 1713  program_number != eBlastTypeBlastx && 1714  program_number != eBlastTypeRpsBlast && 1715  program_number != eBlastTypeRpsTblastn && 1716  program_number != eBlastTypePsiBlast) { 1717  Blast_MessageWrite(blast_msg, eBlastSevWarning, kBlastMessageNoContext, 1718  "Compositional adjustments are only supported with blastp, blastx, or tblastn"); 1719  return BLASTERR_OPTION_VALUE_INVALID; 1720  } 1721  if (!score_options->gapped_calculation) { 1722  Blast_MessageWrite(blast_msg, eBlastSevWarning, kBlastMessageNoContext, 1723  "Compositional adjustments are only supported for gapped searches"); 1724  return BLASTERR_OPTION_VALUE_INVALID; 1725  } 1726  1727  } 1728  1729  return 0; 1730 } 1731  1732  1733 Int2 BLAST_ValidateOptions(EBlastProgramType program_number, 1734  const BlastExtensionOptions* ext_options, 1735  const BlastScoringOptions* score_options, 1736  const LookupTableOptions* lookup_options, 1737  const BlastInitialWordOptions* word_options, 1738  const BlastHitSavingOptions* hit_options, 1739  Blast_Message* *blast_msg) 1740 { 1741  Int2 status = 0; 1742  1743  if ((status = BlastExtensionOptionsValidate(program_number, ext_options, 1744  blast_msg)) != 0) 1745  return status; 1746  if ((status = BlastScoringOptionsValidate(program_number, score_options, 1747  blast_msg)) != 0) 1748  return status; 1749  if ((status = LookupTableOptionsValidate(program_number, 1750  lookup_options, blast_msg)) != 0) 1751  return status; 1752  if ((status = BlastInitialWordOptionsValidate(program_number, 1753  word_options, blast_msg)) != 0) 1754  return status; 1755  if ((status = BlastHitSavingOptionsValidate(program_number, hit_options, 1756  blast_msg)) != 0) 1757  return status; 1758  if ((status = s_BlastExtensionScoringOptionsValidate(program_number, ext_options, 1759  score_options, blast_msg)) != 0) 1760  return status; 1761  1762  /* Word sizes larger than 5 are not suported for IDENTITY scoring matrix. 1763  Identity matrix is only supported for blastp and tblastn. */ 1764  if (program_number == eBlastTypeBlastp || 1765  program_number == eBlastTypeTblastn) { 1766  1767  char* matrix = BLAST_StrToUpper(score_options->matrix); 1768  Boolean is_identity = strcmp(matrix, "IDENTITY") == 0; 1769  1770  if (matrix) { 1771  free(matrix); 1772  } 1773  1774  if (lookup_options->word_size > 5 && is_identity) { 1775  1776  Blast_MessageWrite(blast_msg, eBlastSevError, 1777  kBlastMessageNoContext, 1778  "Word size larger than 5 is not supported for " 1779  "the identity scoring matrix"); 1780  1781  return BLASTERR_OPTION_VALUE_INVALID; 1782  } 1783  } 1784  1785  if (program_number == eBlastTypeRpsBlast || 1786  program_number == eBlastTypeRpsTblastn) { 1787  if((hit_options->culling_limit != 0) || (hit_options->hsp_filt_opt != NULL)) { 1788  Blast_MessageWrite(blast_msg, eBlastSevError, 1789  kBlastMessageNoContext, 1790  "Culling or best hit filtering is not supported"); 1791  return BLASTERR_OPTION_VALUE_INVALID; 1792  } 1793  } 1794  1795  return status; 1796 } 1797  1798 BlastHSPBestHitOptions* BlastHSPBestHitOptionsNew(double overhang, double score_edge) 1799 { 1800  BlastHSPBestHitOptions* retval = 1801  (BlastHSPBestHitOptions*) calloc(1, sizeof(BlastHSPBestHitOptions)); 1802  retval->overhang = overhang; 1803  retval->score_edge = score_edge; 1804  return retval; 1805 } 1806  1807 Int2 1808 BlastHSPBestHitOptionsValidate(const BlastHSPFilteringOptions* opts) 1809 { 1810  Int2 retval = 0; /* assume success */ 1811  BlastHSPBestHitOptions* best_hit = opts->best_hit; 1812  1813  if ( !best_hit ) { 1814  return retval; 1815  } 1816  1817  if (best_hit->overhang overhang >= kBestHit_OverhangMax) { 1819  return -1; 1820  } 1821  1822  if (best_hit->score_edge score_edge >= kBestHit_ScoreEdgeMax) { 1824  return -1; 1825  } 1826  1827  return retval; 1828 } 1829  1830 BlastHSPBestHitOptions* BlastHSPBestHitOptionsFree(BlastHSPBestHitOptions* opt) 1831 { 1832  if ( !opt ) { 1833  return NULL; 1834  } 1835  sfree(opt); 1836  return NULL; 1837 } 1838  1839 BlastHSPCullingOptions* BlastHSPCullingOptionsNew(int max) 1840 { 1841  BlastHSPCullingOptions* retval = 1842  (BlastHSPCullingOptions*) calloc(1, sizeof(BlastHSPCullingOptions)); 1843  retval->max_hits = max; 1844  return retval; 1845 } 1846  1847 Int2 1848 BlastHSPCullingOptionsValidate(const BlastHSPFilteringOptions* opts) 1849 { 1850  Int2 retval = 0; 1851  BlastHSPCullingOptions* culling_opts = opts->culling_opts; 1852  if (!culling_opts) 1853  return retval; 1854  1855  if (culling_opts->max_hits < 0) 1856  return -1; 1857  1858  return retval; 1859 } 1860  1861 BlastHSPCullingOptions* 1862 BlastHSPCullingOptionsFree(BlastHSPCullingOptions* culling_opts) 1863 { 1864  if (!culling_opts) 1865  return NULL; 1866  1867  sfree(culling_opts); 1868  return NULL; 1869 } 1870  1871  1872 BlastHSPFilteringOptions* BlastHSPFilteringOptionsNew() 1873 { 1874  return (BlastHSPFilteringOptions*)calloc(1, 1875  sizeof(BlastHSPFilteringOptions)); 1876 } 1877  1878 Int2 1879 BlastHSPFilteringOptions_AddBestHit(BlastHSPFilteringOptions* filt_opts, 1880  BlastHSPBestHitOptions** best_hit, 1881  EBlastStage stage) 1882 { 1883  if ( filt_opts == NULL || best_hit == NULL || *best_hit == NULL) { 1884  return 1; 1885  } 1886  1887  filt_opts->best_hit = *best_hit; 1888  *best_hit = NULL; 1889  filt_opts->best_hit_stage = stage; 1890  1891  return 0; 1892 } 1893  1894 Int2 1895 BlastHSPFilteringOptions_AddCulling(BlastHSPFilteringOptions* filt_opts, 1896  BlastHSPCullingOptions** culling, 1897  EBlastStage stage) 1898 { 1899  if ( filt_opts == NULL || culling == NULL || *culling == NULL) { 1900  return 1; 1901  } 1902  1903  filt_opts->culling_opts = *culling; 1904  *culling = NULL; 1905  filt_opts->culling_stage = stage; 1906  1907  return 0; 1908 } 1909  1910 Int2 1911 BlastHSPFilteringOptionsValidate(const BlastHSPFilteringOptions* opts) 1912 { 1913  Int2 retval = 0; /* assume success */ 1914  Boolean writer_found = FALSE; 1915  1916  if ( (retval = BlastHSPBestHitOptionsValidate(opts)) != 0) { 1917  return retval; 1918  } 1919  if (opts->best_hit_stage & ePrelimSearch) { 1920  writer_found = TRUE; 1921  } 1922  1923  if ( (retval = BlastHSPCullingOptionsValidate(opts)) != 0) { 1924  return retval; 1925  } 1926  if ((opts->culling_stage & ePrelimSearch) && writer_found) { 1927  return 1; 1928  } 1929  1930  return retval; 1931 } 1932  1933 BlastHSPFilteringOptions* 1934 BlastHSPFilteringOptionsFree(BlastHSPFilteringOptions* opts) 1935 { 1936  if ( !opts ) { 1937  return NULL; 1938  } 1939  opts->best_hit = BlastHSPBestHitOptionsFree(opts->best_hit); 1940  opts->culling_opts = BlastHSPCullingOptionsFree(opts->culling_opts); 1941  opts->subject_besthit_opts = BlastHSPSubjectBestHitOptionsFree(opts->subject_besthit_opts); 1942  sfree(opts); 1943  return opts; 1944 } 1945  1946 BlastHSPSubjectBestHitOptions* 1947 BlastHSPSubjectBestHitOptionsNew(Boolean isProtein) 1948 { 1949  BlastHSPSubjectBestHitOptions* retval = 1950  (BlastHSPSubjectBestHitOptions*) calloc(1, sizeof(BlastHSPSubjectBestHitOptions)); 1951  if(isProtein){ 1952  retval->max_range_diff = DEFAULT_SUBJECT_BESTHIT_PROT_MAX_RANGE_DIFF; 1953  } 1954  else { 1955  retval->max_range_diff = DEFAULT_SUBJECT_BESTHIT_NUCL_MAX_RANGE_DIFF; 1956  } 1957  return retval; 1958 } 1959  1960 Int2 1961 BlastHSPSubjectBestHitOptionsValidate(const BlastHSPFilteringOptions* opts) 1962 { 1963  Int2 retval = 0; 1964  BlastHSPSubjectBestHitOptions* besthit_opts = opts->subject_besthit_opts; 1965  if (!besthit_opts) 1966  return retval; 1967  1968  return retval; 1969 } 1970  1971 BlastHSPSubjectBestHitOptions* 1972 BlastHSPSubjectBestHitOptionsFree(BlastHSPSubjectBestHitOptions* subject_besthit_opts) 1973 { 1974  if (!subject_besthit_opts) 1975  return NULL; 1976  1977  sfree(subject_besthit_opts); 1978  return NULL; 1979 } 1980  1981 Int2 1982 BlastHSPFilteringOptions_AddSubjectBestHit(BlastHSPFilteringOptions* filt_opts, 1983  BlastHSPSubjectBestHitOptions** subject_besthit) 1984 { 1985  if ( filt_opts == NULL || subject_besthit == NULL || *subject_besthit == NULL) { 1986  return 1; 1987  } 1988  1989  filt_opts->subject_besthit_opts = *subject_besthit; 1990  *subject_besthit = NULL; 1991  1992  return 0; 1993 } 1994  1995  1996  sfree#define sfree(x)Safe free a pointer: belongs to a higher level header.Definition: blast_def.h:112 kSegLocutconst double kSegLocutLocut parameter for SEG.Definition: blast_seg.c:46 kSegWindowconst int kSegWindowWindow that SEG examines at once.Definition: blast_seg.c:45 kSegHicutconst double kSegHicutHicut parameter for SEG.Definition: blast_seg.c:47 EBlastStageEBlastStageEnumeration for the stages in the BLAST search.Definition: blast_def.h:324 ePrelimSearch@ ePrelimSearchPreliminary stage.Definition: blast_def.h:328 blast_filter.hBLAST filtering functions. BlastFilteringOptionsFromStringInt2 BlastFilteringOptionsFromString(EBlastProgramType program_number, const char *instructions, SBlastFilterOptions **filtering_options, Blast_Message **blast_message)Produces SBlastFilterOptions from a string that has been traditionally supported in blast.Definition: blast_filter.c:436 eBlastSevError@ eBlastSevErrorDefinition: blast_message.h:58 eBlastSevWarning@ eBlastSevWarningDefinition: blast_message.h:57 BLASTERR_OPTION_PROGRAM_INVALID#define BLASTERR_OPTION_PROGRAM_INVALIDThe option is not supported with the specified program.Definition: blast_message.h:165 BLASTERR_OPTION_VALUE_INVALID#define BLASTERR_OPTION_VALUE_INVALIDThe value of the option is not supported (e.g., word size too small)Definition: blast_message.h:168 Blast_MessageWriteInt2 Blast_MessageWrite(Blast_Message **blast_msg, EBlastSeverity severity, int context, const char *message)Writes a message to a structure.Definition: blast_message.c:102 kBlastMessageNoContextconst int kBlastMessageNoContextDeclared in blast_message.h as extern const.Definition: blast_message.c:36 BLASTERR_MEMORY#define BLASTERR_MEMORYSystem error: out of memory condition.Definition: blast_message.h:143 BLASTERR_INVALIDPARAM#define BLASTERR_INVALIDPARAMInvalid parameter: possible programmer error or pre-condition not met.Definition: blast_message.h:146 PSIBlastOptionsFreePSIBlastOptions * PSIBlastOptionsFree(PSIBlastOptions *psi_options)Deallocate PSI BLAST options.Definition: blast_options.c:1586 BLAST_FillQuerySetUpOptionsInt2 BLAST_FillQuerySetUpOptions(QuerySetUpOptions *options, EBlastProgramType program, const char *filter_string, Uint1 strand_option)Fill non-default contents of the QuerySetUpOptions.Definition: blast_options.c:534 BlastHSPCullingOptionsNewBlastHSPCullingOptions * BlastHSPCullingOptionsNew(int max)Allocate a new object for culling options.Definition: blast_options.c:1839 BlastDatabaseOptionsNewInt2 BlastDatabaseOptionsNew(BlastDatabaseOptions **db_options)Allocates the BlastDatabase options structure and sets the default database genetic code value (BLAST...Definition: blast_options.c:1592 SWindowMaskerOptionsResetDBInt2 SWindowMaskerOptionsResetDB(SWindowMaskerOptions **winmask_options, const char *db)Resets name of db for window masker filtering.Definition: blast_options.c:158 SRepeatFilterOptionsNewInt2 SRepeatFilterOptionsNew(SRepeatFilterOptions **repeat_options)Allocates memory for SRepeatFilterOptions, fills in defaults.Definition: blast_options.c:127 PSIBlastOptionsValidateInt2 PSIBlastOptionsValidate(const PSIBlastOptions *psi_options, Blast_Message **blast_msg)Validates the PSI BLAST options so that they have sane values.Definition: blast_options.c:1561 BlastHSPBestHitOptionsValidateInt2 BlastHSPBestHitOptionsValidate(const BlastHSPFilteringOptions *opts)Validate the best hit algorithm parameters (if any) in the.Definition: blast_options.c:1808 BLAST_ValidateOptionsInt2 BLAST_ValidateOptions(EBlastProgramType program_number, const BlastExtensionOptions *ext_options, const BlastScoringOptions *score_options, const LookupTableOptions *lookup_options, const BlastInitialWordOptions *word_options, const BlastHitSavingOptions *hit_options, Blast_Message **blast_msg)Validate all options.Definition: blast_options.c:1733 BlastHSPFilteringOptions_AddCullingInt2 BlastHSPFilteringOptions_AddCulling(BlastHSPFilteringOptions *filt_opts, BlastHSPCullingOptions **culling, EBlastStage stage)Validates the BlastHSPFilteringOptions structure.Definition: blast_options.c:1895 BlastHitSavingOptionsFreeBlastHitSavingOptions * BlastHitSavingOptionsFree(BlastHitSavingOptions *options)Deallocate memory for BlastHitSavingOptions.Definition: blast_options.c:1417 BlastScoringOptionsValidateInt2 BlastScoringOptionsValidate(EBlastProgramType program_number, const BlastScoringOptions *options, Blast_Message **blast_msg)Validate contents of BlastScoringOptions.Definition: blast_options.c:862 BlastQuerySetUpOptionsNewInt2 BlastQuerySetUpOptionsNew(QuerySetUpOptions **options)Allocate memory for QuerySetUpOptions and fill with default values.Definition: blast_options.c:514 BLAST_GetSuggestedThresholdInt2 BLAST_GetSuggestedThreshold(EBlastProgramType program_number, const char *matrixName, double *threshold)Get thresholds for word-finding suggested by Stephen Altschul.Definition: blast_options.c:1174 SDustOptionsFreeSDustOptions * SDustOptionsFree(SDustOptions *dust_options)Frees SDustOptions.Definition: blast_options.c:50 BLAST_FillScoringOptionsInt2 BLAST_FillScoringOptions(BlastScoringOptions *options, EBlastProgramType program_number, Boolean greedy_extension, Int4 penalty, Int4 reward, const char *matrix, Int4 gap_open, Int4 gap_extend)Fill non-default values in the BlastScoringOptions structure.Definition: blast_options.c:823 BlastHSPFilteringOptionsFreeBlastHSPFilteringOptions * BlastHSPFilteringOptionsFree(BlastHSPFilteringOptions *opts)Deallocate a BlastHSPFilteringOptions structure.Definition: blast_options.c:1934 SRepeatFilterOptionsResetDBInt2 SRepeatFilterOptionsResetDB(SRepeatFilterOptions **repeat_options, const char *db)Resets name of db for repeat filtering.Definition: blast_options.c:142 BlastScoringOptionsNewInt2 BlastScoringOptionsNew(EBlastProgramType program_number, BlastScoringOptions **options)Allocate memory for BlastScoringOptions and fill with default values.Definition: blast_options.c:788 BlastEffectiveLengthsOptionsNewInt2 BlastEffectiveLengthsOptionsNew(BlastEffectiveLengthsOptions **options)Allocate memory for BlastEffectiveLengthsOptions* and fill with default values.Definition: blast_options.c:1003 SReadQualityOptionsFreeSReadQualityOptions * SReadQualityOptionsFree(SReadQualityOptions *read_quality_options)Frees memory for SReadQualityOptions.Definition: blast_options.c:177 SBlastFilterOptionsMaskAtHashBoolean SBlastFilterOptionsMaskAtHash(const SBlastFilterOptions *filter_options)Queries whether masking should be done only for the lookup table or for the entire search.Definition: blast_options.c:433 SBlastFilterOptionsNoFilteringBoolean SBlastFilterOptionsNoFiltering(const SBlastFilterOptions *filter_options)Queries whether no masking is required.Definition: blast_options.c:422 BLAST_GetSuggestedWindowSizeInt2 BLAST_GetSuggestedWindowSize(EBlastProgramType program_number, const char *matrixName, Int4 *window_size)Get window sizes for two hit algorithm suggested by Stephen Altschul.Definition: blast_options.c:1211 SBlastFilterOptionsValidateInt2 SBlastFilterOptionsValidate(EBlastProgramType program_number, const SBlastFilterOptions *filter_options, Blast_Message **blast_message)Validates filter options to ensure that program and options are consistent and that options have vali...Definition: blast_options.c:441 kDustLinkerconst int kDustLinkerParameter used by dust to link together close low-complexity segments.Definition: blast_options.c:48 BlastHSPSubjectBestHitOptionsFreeBlastHSPSubjectBestHitOptions * BlastHSPSubjectBestHitOptionsFree(BlastHSPSubjectBestHitOptions *subject_besthit_opts)Deallocates subject besthit structure.Definition: blast_options.c:1972 BLAST_InitDefaultOptionsInt2 BLAST_InitDefaultOptions(EBlastProgramType program_number, LookupTableOptions **lookup_options, QuerySetUpOptions **query_setup_options, BlastInitialWordOptions **word_options, BlastExtensionOptions **ext_options, BlastHitSavingOptions **hit_options, BlastScoringOptions **score_options, BlastEffectiveLengthsOptions **eff_len_options, PSIBlastOptions **psi_options, BlastDatabaseOptions **db_options)Initialize all the BLAST search options structures with the default values.Definition: blast_options.c:1622 SRepeatFilterOptionsFreeSRepeatFilterOptions * SRepeatFilterOptionsFree(SRepeatFilterOptions *repeat_options)Frees SRepeatFilterOptions.Definition: blast_options.c:117 BlastInitialWordOptionsFreeBlastInitialWordOptions * BlastInitialWordOptionsFree(BlastInitialWordOptions *options)Deallocate memory for BlastInitialWordOptions.Definition: blast_options.c:562 BlastHitSavingOptionsNewInt2 BlastHitSavingOptionsNew(EBlastProgramType program_number, BlastHitSavingOptions **options, Boolean gapped_calculation)Allocate memory for BlastHitSavingOptions.Definition: blast_options.c:1428 BLAST_FillEffectiveLengthsOptionsInt2 BLAST_FillEffectiveLengthsOptions(BlastEffectiveLengthsOptions *options, Int4 dbseq_num, Int8 db_length, Int8 *searchsp_eff, Int4 num_searchsp)Fill the non-default values in the BlastEffectiveLengthsOptions structure.Definition: blast_options.c:1038 SSegOptionsNewInt2 SSegOptionsNew(SSegOptions **seg_options)Allocates memory for SSegOptions, fills in defaults.Definition: blast_options.c:77 SWindowMaskerOptionsFreeSWindowMaskerOptions * SWindowMaskerOptionsFree(SWindowMaskerOptions *winmask_options)Frees SWindowMaskerOptions.Definition: blast_options.c:104 BlastEffectiveLengthsOptionsFreeBlastEffectiveLengthsOptions * BlastEffectiveLengthsOptionsFree(BlastEffectiveLengthsOptions *options)Deallocate memory for BlastEffectiveLengthsOptions*.Definition: blast_options.c:990 SBlastFilterOptionsFreeSBlastFilterOptions * SBlastFilterOptionsFree(SBlastFilterOptions *filter_options)Frees SBlastFilterOptions and all subservient structures.Definition: blast_options.c:204 SWindowMaskerOptionsNewInt2 SWindowMaskerOptionsNew(SWindowMaskerOptions **winmask_options)Allocates memory for SWindowMaskerOptions, fills in defaults.Definition: blast_options.c:90 BlastScoringOptionsSetMatrixInt2 BlastScoringOptionsSetMatrix(BlastScoringOptions *opts, const char *matrix_name)Resets matrix name option.Definition: blast_options.c:974 s_MergeDustOptionsstatic SDustOptions * s_MergeDustOptions(const SDustOptions *opt1, const SDustOptions *opt2)Merges together two sets of dust options, choosing the most non-default one.Definition: blast_options.c:252 SBlastFilterOptionsMergeInt2 SBlastFilterOptionsMerge(SBlastFilterOptions **combined, const SBlastFilterOptions *opt1, const SBlastFilterOptions *opt2)Merges two sets of options together, taking the non-default one as preferred.Definition: blast_options.c:390 BlastExtensionOptionsFreeBlastExtensionOptions * BlastExtensionOptionsFree(BlastExtensionOptions *options)Deallocate memory for BlastExtensionOptions.Definition: blast_options.c:650 BLAST_FillInitialWordOptionsInt2 BLAST_FillInitialWordOptions(BlastInitialWordOptions *options, EBlastProgramType program, Int4 window_size, double xdrop_ungapped)Fill non-default values in the BlastInitialWordOptions structure.Definition: blast_options.c:634 SDustOptionsNewInt2 SDustOptionsNew(SDustOptions **dust_options)Allocates memory for SDustOptions, fills in defaults.Definition: blast_options.c:57 BlastInitialWordOptionsValidateInt2 BlastInitialWordOptionsValidate(EBlastProgramType program_number, const BlastInitialWordOptions *options, Blast_Message **blast_msg)Validate correctness of the initial word options.Definition: blast_options.c:601 BLAST_FillExtensionOptionsInt2 BLAST_FillExtensionOptions(BlastExtensionOptions *options, EBlastProgramType program, Int4 greedy, double x_dropoff, double x_dropoff_final)Fill non-default values in the BlastExtensionOptions structure.Definition: blast_options.c:699 LookupTableOptionsValidateInt2 LookupTableOptionsValidate(EBlastProgramType program_number, const LookupTableOptions *options, Blast_Message **blast_msg)Validate LookupTableOptions.Definition: blast_options.c:1284 BlastHitSavingOptionsValidateInt2 BlastHitSavingOptionsValidate(EBlastProgramType program_number, const BlastHitSavingOptions *options, Blast_Message **blast_msg)Validate BlastHitSavingOptions.Definition: blast_options.c:1489 kPSSM_NoImpalaScalingconst double kPSSM_NoImpalaScalingValue used to indicate that no IMPALA-style scaling should be performed when scaling a PSSM.Definition: blast_options.c:43 BlastHSPCullingOptionsFreeBlastHSPCullingOptions * BlastHSPCullingOptionsFree(BlastHSPCullingOptions *culling_opts)Deallocates culling options structure.Definition: blast_options.c:1862 BLAST_FillHitSavingOptionsInt2 BLAST_FillHitSavingOptions(BlastHitSavingOptions *options, double evalue, Int4 hitlist_size, Boolean is_gapped, Int4 culling_limit, Int4 min_diag_separation)Allocate memory for BlastHitSavingOptions.Definition: blast_options.c:1466 SSegOptionsFreeSSegOptions * SSegOptionsFree(SSegOptions *seg_options)Frees SSegOptions.Definition: blast_options.c:70 BlastHSPCullingOptionsValidateInt2 BlastHSPCullingOptionsValidate(const BlastHSPFilteringOptions *opts)Validate culling options.Definition: blast_options.c:1848 BlastHSPSubjectBestHitOptionsValidateInt2 BlastHSPSubjectBestHitOptionsValidate(const BlastHSPFilteringOptions *opts)Validate subject besthit options.Definition: blast_options.c:1961 s_DiscWordOptionsValidatestatic Boolean s_DiscWordOptionsValidate(Int4 word_size, Uint1 template_length, Uint1 template_type, Blast_Message **blast_msg)Validate options for the discontiguous word megablast Word size must be 11 or 12; template length 16,...Definition: blast_options.c:1248 BlastHSPFilteringOptionsNewBlastHSPFilteringOptions * BlastHSPFilteringOptionsNew()Allocate and initialize a BlastHSPFilteringOptions structure.Definition: blast_options.c:1872 LookupTableOptionsNewInt2 LookupTableOptionsNew(EBlastProgramType program_number, LookupTableOptions **options)Allocate memory for lookup table options and fill with default values.Definition: blast_options.c:1077 BlastDatabaseOptionsFreeBlastDatabaseOptions * BlastDatabaseOptionsFree(BlastDatabaseOptions *db_options)Deallocate database options.Definition: blast_options.c:1612 kDustLevelconst int kDustLevelDeclared in blast_def.h as extern const.Definition: blast_options.c:46 BlastHSPSubjectBestHitOptionsNewBlastHSPSubjectBestHitOptions * BlastHSPSubjectBestHitOptionsNew(Boolean isProtein)Allocate a new object for subject besthit options.Definition: blast_options.c:1947 kDustWindowconst int kDustWindowWindow parameter used by dust.Definition: blast_options.c:47 BLAST_FillLookupTableOptionsInt2 BLAST_FillLookupTableOptions(LookupTableOptions *options, EBlastProgramType program_number, Boolean is_megablast, double threshold, Int4 word_size)Allocate memory for lookup table options and fill with default values.Definition: blast_options.c:1129 SReadQualityOptionsNewInt2 SReadQualityOptionsNew(SReadQualityOptions **read_quality_options)Allocates memory for SReadQualityOptions, fills in defaults.Definition: blast_options.c:187 BlastHSPFilteringOptions_AddSubjectBestHitInt2 BlastHSPFilteringOptions_AddSubjectBestHit(BlastHSPFilteringOptions *filt_opts, BlastHSPSubjectBestHitOptions **subject_besthit)Definition: blast_options.c:1982 s_MergeWindowMaskerOptionsstatic SWindowMaskerOptions * s_MergeWindowMaskerOptions(const SWindowMaskerOptions *opt1, const SWindowMaskerOptions *opt2)Merges together two sets of window masker options, choosing the most non-default one.Definition: blast_options.c:357 BlastHSPBestHitOptionsNewBlastHSPBestHitOptions * BlastHSPBestHitOptionsNew(double overhang, double score_edge)Allocate and initialize a BlastHSPBestHitOptions structure.Definition: blast_options.c:1798 SBlastFilterOptionsNewInt2 SBlastFilterOptionsNew(SBlastFilterOptions **filter_options, EFilterOptions type)Allocates memory for SBlastFilterOptions and.Definition: blast_options.c:224 s_BlastExtensionScoringOptionsValidatestatic Int2 s_BlastExtensionScoringOptionsValidate(EBlastProgramType program_number, const BlastExtensionOptions *ext_options, const BlastScoringOptions *score_options, Blast_Message **blast_msg)Checks that the extension and scoring options are consistent with each other.Definition: blast_options.c:1675 BlastEffectiveLengthsOptions_IsSearchSpaceSetBoolean BlastEffectiveLengthsOptions_IsSearchSpaceSet(const BlastEffectiveLengthsOptions *options)Return true if the search spaces is set for any of the queries in the search.Definition: blast_options.c:1020 PSIBlastOptionsNewInt2 PSIBlastOptionsNew(PSIBlastOptions **psi_options)Initialize default options for PSI BLAST.Definition: blast_options.c:1538 s_MergeSegOptionsstatic SSegOptions * s_MergeSegOptions(const SSegOptions *opt1, const SSegOptions *opt2)Merges together two sets of SEG options, choosing the most non-default one.Definition: blast_options.c:290 BlastHSPFilteringOptions_AddBestHitInt2 BlastHSPFilteringOptions_AddBestHit(BlastHSPFilteringOptions *filt_opts, BlastHSPBestHitOptions **best_hit, EBlastStage stage)Add the best hit options.Definition: blast_options.c:1879 s_MergeRepeatOptionsstatic SRepeatFilterOptions * s_MergeRepeatOptions(const SRepeatFilterOptions *opt1, const SRepeatFilterOptions *opt2)Merges together two sets of repeat filter options, choosing the most non-default one.Definition: blast_options.c:326 BlastInitialWordOptionsNewInt2 BlastInitialWordOptionsNew(EBlastProgramType program, BlastInitialWordOptions **options)Allocate memory for BlastInitialWordOptions and fill with default values.Definition: blast_options.c:573 BlastScoringOptionsFreeBlastScoringOptions * BlastScoringOptionsFree(BlastScoringOptions *options)Deallocate memory for BlastScoringOptions.Definition: blast_options.c:774 BlastExtensionOptionsValidateInt2 BlastExtensionOptionsValidate(EBlastProgramType program_number, const BlastExtensionOptions *options, Blast_Message **blast_msg)Validate contents of BlastExtensionOptions.Definition: blast_options.c:740 BlastHSPBestHitOptionsFreeBlastHSPBestHitOptions * BlastHSPBestHitOptionsFree(BlastHSPBestHitOptions *opt)Deallocate a BlastHSPBestHitOptions structure.Definition: blast_options.c:1830 LookupTableOptionsFreeLookupTableOptions * LookupTableOptionsFree(LookupTableOptions *options)Deallocates memory for LookupTableOptions*.Definition: blast_options.c:1063 BlastScoringOptionsDupInt2 BlastScoringOptionsDup(BlastScoringOptions **new_opt, const BlastScoringOptions *old_opt)Produces copy of "old" options, with new memory allocated.Definition: blast_options.c:956 BlastQuerySetUpOptionsFreeQuerySetUpOptions * BlastQuerySetUpOptionsFree(QuerySetUpOptions *options)Deallocate memory for QuerySetUpOptions.Definition: blast_options.c:501 BlastHSPFilteringOptionsValidateInt2 BlastHSPFilteringOptionsValidate(const BlastHSPFilteringOptions *opts)Validates the BlastHSPFilteringOptions structure.Definition: blast_options.c:1911 BlastExtensionOptionsNewInt2 BlastExtensionOptionsNew(EBlastProgramType program, BlastExtensionOptions **options, Boolean gapped)Allocate memory for BlastExtensionOptions and fill with default values.Definition: blast_options.c:660 blast_options.hThe structures and functions in blast_options. PSI_INCLUSION_ETHRESH#define PSI_INCLUSION_ETHRESHDefaults for PSI-BLAST and DELTA-BLAST options.Definition: blast_options.h:163 BLAST_GAP_X_DROPOFF_NUCL#define BLAST_GAP_X_DROPOFF_NUCLdefault dropoff for non-greedy nucleotide gapped extensionsDefinition: blast_options.h:130 BLAST_HITLIST_SIZE#define BLAST_HITLIST_SIZENumber of database sequences to save hits for.Definition: blast_options.h:160 BLAST_GAP_OPEN_MEGABLAST#define BLAST_GAP_OPEN_MEGABLASTdefault gap open penalty (megablast with greedy gapped alignment)Definition: blast_options.h:87 BLAST_UNGAPPED_X_DROPOFF_NUCL#define BLAST_UNGAPPED_X_DROPOFF_NUCLungapped dropoff score for blastn (and megablast)Definition: blast_options.h:124 BLAST_WORD_THRESHOLD_BLASTX#define BLAST_WORD_THRESHOLD_BLASTXdefault threshold (blastx)Definition: blast_options.h:112 BLAST_UNGAPPED_X_DROPOFF_PROT#define BLAST_UNGAPPED_X_DROPOFF_PROTdefault dropoff for ungapped extension; ungapped extensions will stop when the score for the extensio...Definition: blast_options.h:122 BLAST_WORDSIZE_MAPPER#define BLAST_WORDSIZE_MAPPERdefault word size for mapping rna-seq to a genomeDefinition: blast_options.h:73 BLAST_GAP_EXTN_MEGABLAST#define BLAST_GAP_EXTN_MEGABLASTdefault gap open penalty (megablast) with greedy gapped alignment)Definition: blast_options.h:95 DEFAULT_SUBJECT_BESTHIT_PROT_MAX_RANGE_DIFF#define DEFAULT_SUBJECT_BESTHIT_PROT_MAX_RANGE_DIFFDefinition: blast_options.h:1209 eJumperWithTraceback@ eJumperWithTracebackJumper extension (mapping)Definition: blast_options.h:313 eDynProgScoreOnly@ eDynProgScoreOnlystandard affine gappingDefinition: blast_options.h:311 eGreedyScoreOnly@ eGreedyScoreOnlyGreedy extension (megaBlast)Definition: blast_options.h:312 eSmithWatermanScoreOnly@ eSmithWatermanScoreOnlyScore-only smith-waterman.Definition: blast_options.h:314 BLAST_GAP_OPEN_PROT#define BLAST_GAP_OPEN_PROTProtein gap costs are the defaults for the BLOSUM62 scoring matrix.Definition: blast_options.h:84 BLAST_WORDSIZE_MEGABLAST#define BLAST_WORDSIZE_MEGABLASTdefault word size (contiguous megablast; for discontig megablast the word size is explicitly overridd...Definition: blast_options.h:68 DEFAULT_SUBJECT_BESTHIT_NUCL_MAX_RANGE_DIFF#define DEFAULT_SUBJECT_BESTHIT_NUCL_MAX_RANGE_DIFFDefinition: blast_options.h:1210 BLAST_GAP_OPEN_NUCL#define BLAST_GAP_OPEN_NUCLdefault gap open penalty (blastn)Definition: blast_options.h:86 BLAST_GAP_TRIGGER_NUCL#define BLAST_GAP_TRIGGER_NUCLdefault bit score that will trigger a gapped extension for blastnDefinition: blast_options.h:140 BLAST_GAP_EXTN_PROT#define BLAST_GAP_EXTN_PROTcost to extend a gap.Definition: blast_options.h:92 BLAST_GAP_X_DROPOFF_FINAL_NUCL#define BLAST_GAP_X_DROPOFF_FINAL_NUCLdefault dropoff for nucleotide gapped extensions)Definition: blast_options.h:146 MAX_DB_WORD_COUNT_MAPPER#define MAX_DB_WORD_COUNT_MAPPERDefault max frequency for a database word.Definition: blast_options.h:174 BLAST_DEFAULT_MATRIX#define BLAST_DEFAULT_MATRIXDefault matrix name: BLOSUM62.Definition: blast_options.h:77 BLAST_EXPECT_VALUE#define BLAST_EXPECT_VALUEDefault parameters for saving hits.Definition: blast_options.h:158 BLAST_SCAN_RANGE_NUCL#define BLAST_SCAN_RANGE_NUCLdefault scan range (blastn)Definition: blast_options.h:63 BLAST_WINDOW_SIZE_NUCL#define BLAST_WINDOW_SIZE_NUCLdefault window size (blastn)Definition: blast_options.h:58 BLAST_GAP_X_DROPOFF_GREEDY#define BLAST_GAP_X_DROPOFF_GREEDYdefault dropoff for greedy nucleotide gapped extensionsDefinition: blast_options.h:132 BLAST_WORD_THRESHOLD_TBLASTX#define BLAST_WORD_THRESHOLD_TBLASTXdefault threshold (tblastx)Definition: blast_options.h:115 BLAST_WORD_THRESHOLD_BLASTP#define BLAST_WORD_THRESHOLD_BLASTPneighboring word score thresholds; a threshold of zero means that only query and subject words that m...Definition: blast_options.h:104 BLAST_GAP_EXTN_NUCL#define BLAST_GAP_EXTN_NUCLdefault gap open penalty (blastn)Definition: blast_options.h:94 BLAST_GAP_TRIGGER_PROT#define BLAST_GAP_TRIGGER_PROTdefault bit score that will trigger gapped extensionDefinition: blast_options.h:137 BLAST_GAP_X_DROPOFF_PROT#define BLAST_GAP_X_DROPOFF_PROTdefault dropoff for preliminary gapped extensionsDefinition: blast_options.h:128 PSI_PSEUDO_COUNT_CONST#define PSI_PSEUDO_COUNT_CONSTPseudo-count constant for PSI-BLAST.Definition: blast_options.h:164 BLAST_REWARD#define BLAST_REWARDdefault nucleotide match scoreDefinition: blast_options.h:152 eGreedyTbck@ eGreedyTbckGreedy extension (megaBlast)Definition: blast_options.h:322 eDynProgTbck@ eDynProgTbckstandard affine gappingDefinition: blast_options.h:321 eSmithWatermanTbckFull@ eSmithWatermanTbckFullSmith-waterman to find all alignments.Definition: blast_options.h:325 BLAST_PENALTY#define BLAST_PENALTYdefault reward and penalty (only applies to blastn/megablast)Definition: blast_options.h:151 BLAST_WINDOW_SIZE_PROT#define BLAST_WINDOW_SIZE_PROTSome default values (used when creating blast options block and for command-line program defaults.Definition: blast_options.h:57 EFilterOptionsEFilterOptionsTypes of filtering options.Definition: blast_options.h:675 eDustRepeats@ eDustRepeatsRepeat and dust filtering for nucleotides.Definition: blast_options.h:679 eRepeats@ eRepeatsRepeat filtering for nucleotides.Definition: blast_options.h:678 eDust@ eDustlow-complexity for nucleotides.Definition: blast_options.h:677 eEmpty@ eEmptyno filtering at all.Definition: blast_options.h:680 eSeg@ eSeglow-complexity for proteins.Definition: blast_options.h:676 BLAST_GAP_X_DROPOFF_FINAL_PROT#define BLAST_GAP_X_DROPOFF_FINAL_PROTdefault dropoff for the final gapped extension with tracebackDefinition: blast_options.h:144 BLAST_GENETIC_CODE#define BLAST_GENETIC_CODEDefault genetic code for query and/or database.Definition: blast_options.h:168 BLAST_WORD_THRESHOLD_TBLASTN#define BLAST_WORD_THRESHOLD_TBLASTNdefault neighboring threshold (tblastn/rpstblastn)Definition: blast_options.h:113 BLAST_WORDSIZE_PROT#define BLAST_WORDSIZE_PROTlength of word to trigger an extension.Definition: blast_options.h:66 BLAST_WORDSIZE_NUCL#define BLAST_WORDSIZE_NUCLdefault word size (blastn)Definition: blast_options.h:67 kDefaultRepeatFilterDb#define kDefaultRepeatFilterDbDefault value for repeats database filtering.Definition: blast_options.h:246 eNaLookupTable@ eNaLookupTableblastn lookup tableDefinition: blast_options.h:191 eMBLookupTable@ eMBLookupTablemegablast lookup table (includes both contiguous and discontiguous megablast)Definition: blast_options.h:188 ePhiNaLookupTable@ ePhiNaLookupTablenucleotide lookup table for phi-blastDefinition: blast_options.h:195 eAaLookupTable@ eAaLookupTablestandard protein (blastp) lookup tableDefinition: blast_options.h:192 eCompressedAaLookupTable@ eCompressedAaLookupTablecompressed alphabet (blastp) lookup tableDefinition: blast_options.h:193 ePhiLookupTable@ ePhiLookupTableprotein lookup table specialized for phi-blastDefinition: blast_options.h:194 eRPSLookupTable@ eRPSLookupTableRPS lookup table (rpsblast and rpstblastn)Definition: blast_options.h:196 eNaHashLookupTable@ eNaHashLookupTableused for 16-base wordsDefinition: blast_options.h:200 Blast_ProgramIsMappingBoolean Blast_ProgramIsMapping(EBlastProgramType p)Definition: blast_program.c:76 Blast_QueryIsPssmBoolean Blast_QueryIsPssm(EBlastProgramType p)Returns true if the query is PSSM.Definition: blast_program.c:46 Blast_ProgramIsPhiBlastBoolean Blast_ProgramIsPhiBlast(EBlastProgramType p)Returns true if program is PHI-BLAST (i.e.Definition: blast_program.c:70 Blast_QueryIsTranslatedBoolean Blast_QueryIsTranslated(EBlastProgramType p)Returns true if the query is translated.Definition: blast_program.c:60 Blast_ProgramIsNucleotideBoolean Blast_ProgramIsNucleotide(EBlastProgramType p)Definition: blast_program.c:82 Blast_QueryIsPatternBoolean Blast_QueryIsPattern(EBlastProgramType p)Definition: blast_program.c:79 Blast_ProgramIsRpsBlastBoolean Blast_ProgramIsRpsBlast(EBlastProgramType p)Returns true if program is RPS-BLAST (i.e.Definition: blast_program.c:73 EBlastProgramTypeEBlastProgramTypeDefines the engine's notion of the different applications of the BLAST algorithm.Definition: blast_program.h:72 eBlastTypeBlastn@ eBlastTypeBlastnDefinition: blast_program.h:74 eBlastTypeBlastx@ eBlastTypeBlastxDefinition: blast_program.h:75 eBlastTypePsiTblastn@ eBlastTypePsiTblastnDefinition: blast_program.h:83 eBlastTypeRpsTblastn@ eBlastTypeRpsTblastnDefinition: blast_program.h:85 eBlastTypePhiBlastn@ eBlastTypePhiBlastnDefinition: blast_program.h:87 eBlastTypeMapping@ eBlastTypeMappingDefinition: blast_program.h:88 eBlastTypeTblastx@ eBlastTypeTblastxDefinition: blast_program.h:79 eBlastTypePsiBlast@ eBlastTypePsiBlastDefinition: blast_program.h:82 eBlastTypePhiBlastp@ eBlastTypePhiBlastpDefinition: blast_program.h:86 eBlastTypeRpsBlast@ eBlastTypeRpsBlastDefinition: blast_program.h:84 eBlastTypeTblastn@ eBlastTypeTblastnDefinition: blast_program.h:77 eBlastTypeBlastp@ eBlastTypeBlastpDefinition: blast_program.h:73 Blast_SubjectIsTranslatedBoolean Blast_SubjectIsTranslated(EBlastProgramType p)Returns true if the subject is translated.Definition: blast_program.c:63 blast_stat.hDefinitions and prototypes used by blast_stat.c to calculate BLAST statistics. BLAST_PrintAllowedValueschar * BLAST_PrintAllowedValues(const char *matrix, Int4 gap_open, Int4 gap_extend)Prints a messages about the allowed open etc values for the given matrix, BlastKarlinBlkGappedFill sh...Definition: blast_stat.c:3786 Blast_KarlinBlkGappedLoadFromTablesInt2 Blast_KarlinBlkGappedLoadFromTables(Blast_KarlinBlk *kbp, Int4 gap_open, Int4 gap_extend, const char *matrix_name, Boolean standard_only)Attempts to fill KarlinBlk for given gap opening, extensions etc.Definition: blast_stat.c:3576 BLAST_PrintMatrixMessagechar * BLAST_PrintMatrixMessage(const char *matrix, Boolean standard_only)Prints a messages about the allowed matrices, BlastKarlinBlkGappedFill should return 1 before this is...Definition: blast_stat.c:3759 BLAST_CheckRewardPenaltyScoresBoolean BLAST_CheckRewardPenaltyScores(Int4 reward, Int4 penalty)Check the validity of the reward and penalty scores.Definition: blast_stat.c:3453 blast_util.hVarious auxiliary BLAST utility functions. BLAST_StrToUpperchar * BLAST_StrToUpper(const char *string)Returns a copy of the input string with all its characters turned to uppercase.Definition: blast_util.c:1352 composition_constants.hConstants used in compositional score matrix adjustment. eCompositionBasedStats@ eCompositionBasedStatsComposition-based statistics as in NAR 29:2994-3005, 2001.Definition: composition_constants.h:63 eNoCompositionBasedStats@ eNoCompositionBasedStatsDon't use composition based statistics.Definition: composition_constants.h:61 window_sizestatic ulg window_sizeDefinition: ct_nlmzip_deflate.cpp:164 NULL#define NULLDefinition: ncbistd.hpp:225 Uint1uint8_t Uint11-byte (8-bit) unsigned integerDefinition: ncbitype.h:99 Int2int16_t Int22-byte (16-bit) signed integerDefinition: ncbitype.h:100 Int4int32_t Int44-byte (32-bit) signed integerDefinition: ncbitype.h:102 Uint4uint32_t Uint44-byte (32-bit) unsigned integerDefinition: ncbitype.h:103 Int8int64_t Int88-byte (64-bit) signed integerDefinition: ncbitype.h:104 hspfilter_besthit.hImplementation of a number of BlastHSPWriters to save hits from a BLAST search, and subsequently retu... kBestHit_OverhangMax#define kBestHit_OverhangMaxMaximum value for overhang.Definition: hspfilter_besthit.h:84 kBestHit_OverhangMin#define kBestHit_OverhangMinMinimum value for overhang.Definition: hspfilter_besthit.h:82 kBestHit_ScoreEdgeMin#define kBestHit_ScoreEdgeMinMinimum value for score_edge.Definition: hspfilter_besthit.h:89 kBestHit_ScoreEdgeMax#define kBestHit_ScoreEdgeMaxMaximum value for score_edge.Definition: hspfilter_besthit.h:91 hspfilter_collector.hImplementation of a number of BlastHSPWriters to save hits from a BLAST search, and subsequently retu... iint iDefinition: lex.newick.cpp:1456 ifif(yy_accept[yy_current_state])Definition: lex.newick.cpp:1081 util::strcmpint strcmp(const char *str1, const char *str2)Definition: odbc_utils.hpp:160 strdup#define strdupDefinition: ncbi_ansi_ext.h:70 strcasecmp#define strcasecmpDefinition: ncbi_ansi_ext.h:110 INT4_MAX#define INT4_MAXlargest nubmer represented by signed intDefinition: ncbi_std.h:141 BlastMemDupvoid * BlastMemDup(const void *orig, size_t size)Copies memory using memcpy and malloc.Definition: ncbi_std.c:35 BooleanUint1 Booleanbool replacment for CDefinition: ncbi_std.h:94 INT2_MAX#define INT2_MAXlargest number represented by signed (two byte) shortDefinition: ncbi_std.h:156 ASSERT#define ASSERTmacro for assert.Definition: ncbi_std.h:107 MAX#define MAX(a, b)returns larger of a and b.Definition: ncbi_std.h:117 toupperint toupper(Uchar c)Definition: ncbictype.hpp:73 maxT max(T x_, T y_)Definition: njn_function.hpp:105 bufferstatic pcre_uint8 * bufferDefinition: pcretest.c:1051 BlastDatabaseOptionsOptions used to create the ReadDBFILE structure Include database name and various information for res...Definition: blast_options.h:558 BlastDatabaseOptions::genetic_codeInt4 genetic_codeGenetic code to use for translation, tblast[nx] only.Definition: blast_options.h:559 BlastEffectiveLengthsOptionsOptions for setting up effective lengths and search spaces.Definition: blast_options.h:482 BlastEffectiveLengthsOptions::searchsp_effInt8 * searchsp_effSearch space to be used for statistical calculations (one such per query context)Definition: blast_options.h:489 BlastEffectiveLengthsOptions::db_lengthInt8 db_lengthDatabase length to be used for statistical calculations.Definition: blast_options.h:483 BlastEffectiveLengthsOptions::dbseq_numInt4 dbseq_numNumber of database sequences to be used for statistical calculations.Definition: blast_options.h:485 BlastEffectiveLengthsOptions::num_searchspacesInt4 num_searchspacesNumber of elements in searchsp_eff, this must be equal to the number of contexts in the search.Definition: blast_options.h:487 BlastExtensionOptionsOptions used for gapped extension These include: a.Definition: blast_options.h:335 BlastExtensionOptions::eTbackExtEBlastTbackExt eTbackExttype of traceback extension.Definition: blast_options.h:341 BlastExtensionOptions::ePrelimGapExtEBlastPrelimGapExt ePrelimGapExttype of preliminary gapped extension (normally) for calculating score.Definition: blast_options.h:339 BlastExtensionOptions::gap_x_dropoff_finaldouble gap_x_dropoff_finalX-dropoff value for the final gapped extension (in bits)Definition: blast_options.h:337 BlastExtensionOptions::gap_x_dropoffdouble gap_x_dropoffX-dropoff value for gapped extension (in bits)Definition: blast_options.h:336 BlastExtensionOptions::compositionBasedStatsInt4 compositionBasedStatsmode of compositional adjustment to use; if zero then compositional adjustment is not usedDefinition: blast_options.h:342 BlastHSPBestHitOptionsOptions for the Best Hit HSP collection algorithm.Definition: blast_options.h:355 BlastHSPBestHitOptions::score_edgedouble score_edgeDefinition: blast_options.h:357 BlastHSPBestHitOptions::overhangdouble overhangDefinition: blast_options.h:356 BlastHSPCullingOptionsOptions for the HSP culling algorithm.Definition: blast_options.h:361 BlastHSPCullingOptions::max_hitsint max_hitsMaximum number of hits per area of query.Definition: blast_options.h:362 BlastHSPFilteringOptionsStructure containing the HSP filtering/writing options.Definition: blast_options.h:370 BlastHSPFilteringOptions::culling_stageEBlastStage culling_stageDefinition: blast_options.h:377 BlastHSPFilteringOptions::best_hitBlastHSPBestHitOptions * best_hitBest Hit algorithm.Definition: blast_options.h:372 BlastHSPFilteringOptions::subject_besthit_optsBlastHSPSubjectBestHitOptions * subject_besthit_optsSubject Culling.Definition: blast_options.h:380 BlastHSPFilteringOptions::best_hit_stageEBlastStage best_hit_stageDefinition: blast_options.h:373 BlastHSPFilteringOptions::culling_optsBlastHSPCullingOptions * culling_optsculling algorithmDefinition: blast_options.h:376 BlastHSPSubjectBestHitOptionsDefinition: blast_options.h:365 BlastHSPSubjectBestHitOptions::max_range_diffunsigned int max_range_diffDefinition: blast_options.h:366 BlastHitSavingOptionsOptions used when evaluating and saving hits These include: a.Definition: blast_options.h:389 BlastHitSavingOptions::culling_limitInt4 culling_limitIf the query range of an HSP is contained in at least this many higher-scoring HSPs,...Definition: blast_options.h:405 BlastHitSavingOptions::longest_intronInt4 longest_intronThe longest distance between HSPs allowed for combining via sum statistics with uneven gaps.Definition: blast_options.h:417 BlastHitSavingOptions::expect_valuedouble expect_valueThe expect value cut-off threshold for an HSP, or a combined hit if sum statistics is used.Definition: blast_options.h:390 BlastHitSavingOptions::cutoff_scoreInt4 cutoff_scoreThe (raw) score cut-off threshold.Definition: blast_options.h:392 BlastHitSavingOptions::hitlist_sizeInt4 hitlist_sizeMaximal number of database sequences to return results for.Definition: blast_options.h:400 BlastHitSavingOptions::min_diag_separationInt4 min_diag_separationHow many diagonals separate a hit from a substantial alignment before it's not blocked out.Definition: blast_options.h:423 BlastHitSavingOptions::max_edit_distanceInt4 max_edit_distanceMaximum number of mismatches and gaps.Definition: blast_options.h:398 BlastHitSavingOptions::hsp_filt_optBlastHSPFilteringOptions * hsp_filt_optContains options to configure the HSP filtering/writering structures If not set, the default HSP filt...Definition: blast_options.h:430 BlastInitialWordOptionsOptions needed for initial word finding and processing.Definition: blast_options.h:297 BlastInitialWordOptions::x_dropoffdouble x_dropoffX-dropoff value (in bits) for the ungapped extension.Definition: blast_options.h:302 BlastInitialWordOptions::window_sizeInt4 window_sizeMaximal allowed distance between 2 hits in case 2 hits are required to trigger the extension.Definition: blast_options.h:299 BlastInitialWordOptions::scan_rangeInt4 scan_rangeMaximal number of gaps allowed between 2 hits.Definition: blast_options.h:301 BlastScoringOptionsScoring options block Used to produce the BlastScoreBlk structure This structure may be needed for lo...Definition: blast_options.h:459 BlastScoringOptions::penaltyInt2 penaltyPenalty for a mismatch.Definition: blast_options.h:464 BlastScoringOptions::program_numberEBlastProgramType program_numberindicates blastn, blastp, etc.Definition: blast_options.h:476 BlastScoringOptions::gap_openInt4 gap_openExtra penalty for starting a gap.Definition: blast_options.h:468 BlastScoringOptions::gap_extendInt4 gap_extendPenalty for each gap residue.Definition: blast_options.h:469 BlastScoringOptions::rewardInt2 rewardReward for a match.Definition: blast_options.h:463 BlastScoringOptions::gapped_calculationBoolean gapped_calculationgap-free search if FALSEDefinition: blast_options.h:465 BlastScoringOptions::matrix_pathchar * matrix_pathDirectory path to where matrices are stored.Definition: blast_options.h:462 BlastScoringOptions::matrixchar * matrixName of the matrix containing all scores: needed for finding neighboring words.Definition: blast_options.h:460 BlastScoringOptions::is_ooframeBoolean is_ooframeShould out-of-frame gapping be used in a translated search?Definition: blast_options.h:472 Blast_MessageStructure to hold the a message from the core of the BLAST engine.Definition: blast_message.h:70 LookupTableOptionsOptions needed to construct a lookup table Also needed: query sequence and query length.Definition: blast_options.h:206 LookupTableOptions::word_sizeInt4 word_sizeDetermines the size of the lookup table.Definition: blast_options.h:211 LookupTableOptions::phi_patternchar * phi_patternPHI-BLAST pattern.Definition: blast_options.h:214 LookupTableOptions::max_db_word_countUint1 max_db_word_countwords with larger frequency in the database will be masked in the lookup table, if the db_filter opto...Definition: blast_options.h:221 LookupTableOptions::db_filterBoolean db_filterscan the database and include only words that appear in the database between 1 and 9 times (currently...Definition: blast_options.h:217 LookupTableOptions::thresholddouble thresholdScore threshold for putting words in a lookup table (fractional values are allowed,...Definition: blast_options.h:207 LookupTableOptions::mb_template_typeInt4 mb_template_typeType of a discontiguous word template.Definition: blast_options.h:213 LookupTableOptions::lut_typeELookupTableType lut_typeWhat kind of lookup table to construct?Definition: blast_options.h:210 LookupTableOptions::mb_template_lengthInt4 mb_template_lengthLength of the discontiguous words.Definition: blast_options.h:212 PSIBlastOptionsOptions used in protein BLAST only (PSI, PHI, RPS and translated BLAST) Some of these possibly should...Definition: blast_options.h:496 PSIBlastOptions::nsg_compatibility_modeBoolean nsg_compatibility_modeCompatibility option for the NCBI's structure group (note nsg_ prefix, stands for NCBI's structure gr...Definition: blast_options.h:535 PSIBlastOptions::impala_scaling_factordouble impala_scaling_factorScaling factor as used in IMPALA to do the matrix rescaling.Definition: blast_options.h:543 PSIBlastOptions::inclusion_ethreshdouble inclusion_ethreshMinimum evalue for inclusion in PSSM calculation.Definition: blast_options.h:508 PSIBlastOptions::ignore_unaligned_positionsBoolean ignore_unaligned_positionsThis turns off a validation for the multiple sequence alignment in the PSSM engine for unaligned posi...Definition: blast_options.h:549 PSIBlastOptions::pseudo_countInt4 pseudo_countPseudocount constant.Definition: blast_options.h:499 PSIBlastOptions::use_best_alignmentBoolean use_best_alignmentIf set to TRUE, use the best alignment when multiple HSPs are found in a query-subject alignment (i....Definition: blast_options.h:517 QuerySetUpOptionsOptions required for setting up the query sequence.Definition: blast_options.h:285 QuerySetUpOptions::strand_optionUint1 strand_optionIn blastn: which strand to search: 1 = forward; 2 = reverse; 3 = both.Definition: blast_options.h:290 QuerySetUpOptions::filter_stringchar * filter_stringDEPRECATED, filtering options above.Definition: blast_options.h:288 QuerySetUpOptions::filtering_optionsSBlastFilterOptions * filtering_optionsstructured options for all filtering offered from algo/blast/core for BLAST.Definition: blast_options.h:286 SBlastFilterOptionsAll filtering options.Definition: blast_options.h:272 SBlastFilterOptions::repeatFilterOptionsSRepeatFilterOptions * repeatFilterOptionsfor organism specific repeat filtering.Definition: blast_options.h:277 SBlastFilterOptions::segOptionsSSegOptions * segOptionslow-complexity filtering for proteins sequences (includes translated nucleotides).Definition: blast_options.h:275 SBlastFilterOptions::readQualityOptionsSReadQualityOptions * readQualityOptionsquality filtering for mapping next-generation sequencesDefinition: blast_options.h:280 SBlastFilterOptions::mask_at_hashBoolean mask_at_hashmask query only for lookup table creationDefinition: blast_options.h:273 SBlastFilterOptions::windowMaskerOptionsSWindowMaskerOptions * windowMaskerOptionsorganism specific filtering with window masker.Definition: blast_options.h:278 SBlastFilterOptions::dustOptionsSDustOptions * dustOptionslow-complexity filtering for nucleotides.Definition: blast_options.h:274 SDustOptionsOptions for dust algorithm, applies only to nucl.Definition: blast_options.h:229 SDustOptions::levelint levelDefinition: blast_options.h:230 SDustOptions::linkerint linkermin distance to link segments.Definition: blast_options.h:232 SDustOptions::windowint windowDefinition: blast_options.h:231 SReadQualityOptionsFiltering options for mapping next-generation sequences.Definition: blast_options.h:266 SRepeatFilterOptionsFiltering options for organsim specific repeats filtering.Definition: blast_options.h:252 SRepeatFilterOptions::databasechar * databaseNucleotide database for mini BLAST search.Definition: blast_options.h:253 SSegOptionsOptions for SEG algorithm, applies only to protein-protein comparisons.Definition: blast_options.h:239 SSegOptions::hicutdouble hicutDefinition: blast_options.h:242 SSegOptions::windowint windowinitial window to trigger further work.Definition: blast_options.h:240 SSegOptions::locutdouble locutDefinition: blast_options.h:241 SWindowMaskerOptionsFiltering options for organism-specific filtering with Window Masker.Definition: blast_options.h:260 SWindowMaskerOptions::databaseconst char * databaseUse winmasker database at this location.Definition: blast_options.h:262 SWindowMaskerOptions::taxidint taxidSelect masking database for this TaxID.Definition: blast_options.h:261 typeDefinition: type.c:6 FALSE@ FALSEDefinition: testodbc.c:27 TRUE@ TRUEDefinition: testodbc.c:27




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